§ 2.751a - Special prehearing conference in construction permit and operating license proceedings.

Latest version.
  • (a) In any proceeding involving an application for a construction permit or an operating license for a production or utilization facility, the Commission or the presiding officer will direct the parties and any petitioners for intervention, or their counsel, to appear at a specified time and place, within ninety (90) days after the notice of hearing is published, or such other time as the Commission or the presiding officer may deem appropriate, for a conference 1a to:

    (1) Permit identification of the key issues in the proceeding;

    (2) Take any steps necessary for further identification of the issues;

    (3) Consider all intervention petitions to allow the presiding officer to make such preliminary or final determination as to the parties to the proceeding, as may be appropriate; and

    (4) Establish a schedule for further actions in the proceeding.

    (b) The presiding officer may order any further informal conferences among the parties, including telephone conferences, to the extent that he considers that such a conference would expedite the proceeding.

    (c) A prehearing conference held pursuant to this section may be stenographically reported.

    (d) The presiding officer shall enter an order which recites the action taken at the conference, the schedule for further actions in the proceeding, any agreements by the parties, and which identifies the key issues in the proceeding, makes a preliminary or final determination as to the parties in the proceeding, and provides for the submission of status reports on discovery. The order shall be served upon all parties to the proceeding. Objections to the order may be filed by a party within five (5) days after service of the order, except that the staff may file objections to such order within ten (10) days after service. Parties may not file replies to the objections unless the Board so directs. The filing of objections shall not stay the decision unless the presiding officer so orders. The board may revise the order in consideration of the objections presented and, as permitted by § 2.718(i), may certify for determination to the Commission such matters raised in the objections as it deems appropriate. The order shall control the subsequent course of the proceeding unless modified for good cause.