Part 101-45 - Sale, Abandonment, or Destruction of Personal Property  

§ 101-45.000 - Cross-reference to the Federal Management Regulation (FMR) (41 CFR chapter 102, parts 102-1 through 102-220).
§ 101-45.001 - Demilitarization and decontamination.
Subpart 101-45.1 - General
§ 101-45.103-1 - Conduct of sales.
§ 101-45.103-2 - Holding agency sales.
§ 101-45.103-3 - Sales by GSA.
§ 101-45.103-4 - Sales conducted at holding agency facilities.
§ 101-45.105-1 - Materials required for the national stockpile or the supplemental stockpile, or under the Defense Production Act.
§ 101-45.105-2 - Disposal of certain vessels.
§ 101-45.105-3 - Exemptions.
§ 101-45.101 - Applicability.
§ 101-45.102 - Needs of Federal agencies paramount.
§ 101-45.103 - Sales responsibilities.
§ 101-45.104 - Care and handling pending disposal.
§ 101-45.105 - Exclusions and exemptions.
§ 101-45.106 - Property controlled by other law.
§ 101-45.107 - Holding agency compliance function.
§ 101-45.107-1 - Referral to other Government agencies.
§ 101-45.107-2 - Compliance reports.
§ 101-45.002 - Gold.
§ 101-45.003 - Vehicle reconditioning.
Subpart 101-45.3 - Sale of Personal Property
§ 101-45.303-1 - Describing property.
§ 101-45.313-1 - Purpose.
§ 101-45.303-2 - Display and inspection.
§ 101-45.313-2 - Objectives and methods.
§ 101-45.303-3 - Delivery.
§ 101-45.313-3 - Representation and covenant.
§ 101-45.313-4 - General principles and standards applicable to the covenant.
§ 101-45.313-5 - Standard Form 119, Contractor's Statement of Contingent or Other Fees.
§ 101-45.313-6 - Use of Standard Form 119, Contractor's Statement of Contingent or Other Fees.
§ 101-45.313-7 - Exceptions.
§ 101-45.313-8 - Enforcement.
§ 101-45.313-9 - Preservation of records.
§ 101-45.304-1 - Competitive bid sales.
§ 101-45.304-2 - Negotiated sales and negotiated sales at fixed prices.
§ 101-45.304-3 - [Reserved]
§ 101-45.304-4 - Lotting.
§ 101-45.304-5 - Inspection by bidders.
§ 101-45.304-6 - Reviewing authority.
§ 101-45.304-7 - Advertising.
§ 101-45.304-8 - Forms prescribed.
§ 101-45.304-9 - Credit.
§ 101-45.304-10 - Deposits and final payments.
§ 101-45.304-11 - Deposit bonds.
§ 101-45.304-12 - Sales to State and local governments.
§ 101-45.300 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-45.301 - [Reserved]
§ 101-45.302 - Sale to Government employees.
§ 101-45.303 - Reporting property for sale.
§ 101-45.304 - Sales methods and procedures.
§ 101-45.305 - [Reserved]
§ 101-45.306 - Contractor inventory.
§ 101-45.307 - Proceeds from sales.
§ 101-45.308 - [Reserved]
§ 101-45.309 - Special classes of property.
§ 101-45.310 - Antitrust laws.
§ 101-45.311 - Assistance in controlling unauthorized transport of property.
§ 101-45.312 - [Reserved]
§ 101-45.313 - Procedures and forms concerning contingent or other fees for soliciting or securing contracts.
§ 101-45.314 - Federal excise taxes.
§ 101-45.315 - Equal Opportunity clause in contracts.
§ 101-45.316 - [Reserved]
§ 101-45.317 - Noncollusive bids and proposals.
§ 101-45.318 - Identical bids.
§§ 101-45.309-6--101-45.309-7 - [Reserved]
§ 101-45.309-1 - Agricultural commodities.
§ 101-45.309-2 - Hazardous materials.
§ 101-45.309-3 - Demilitarization and decontamination.
§ 101-45.309-4 - [Reserved]
§ 101-45.309-5 - Garbage.
§ 101-45.309-8 - Bedding and upholstered furniture.
§ 101-45.309-9 - Gold.
§ 101-45.309-10 - Safes and locking file cabinets.
§ 101-45.309-11 - [Reserved]
§ 101-45.309-12 - Vehicle reconditioning.
§ 101-45.309-13 - All terrain vehicles.
§ 101-45.004 - All terrain vehicles.
Subpart 101-45.4 - Contract Disputes
§ 101-45.400 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-45.401 - The disputes clause.
§ 101-45.402 - Alternative disputes resolution.
Subpart 101-45.6 - Debarred, Suspended, and Ineligible Contractors
§ 101-45.600 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-45.601 - Policy.
§ 101-45.602 - Listing debarred or suspended contractors.
Subpart 101-45.7 - Submission of Bids
§ 101-45.703-1 - General.
§ 101-45.703-2 - Consideration for award.
§ 101-45.703-3 - Telegraphic bids.
§ 101-45.703-4 - Handcarried bids.
§ 101-45.703-5 - Disposition of late bids.
§ 101-45.703-6 - Records.
§ 101-45.700 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-45.701 - Responsiveness of bids.
§ 101-45.702 - Time of bid submission.
§ 101-45.703 - Late bids.
§ 101-45.704 - Modification or withdrawal of bids.
§ 101-45.705 - Late modifications and withdrawals.
Subpart 101-45.8 - Mistakes in Bids
§ 101-45.800 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-45.801 - General.
§ 101-45.802 - Apparent clerical mistakes.
§ 101-45.803 - Other mistakes disclosed before award.
§ 101-45.804 - Mistakes disclosed after award.
§ 101-45.805 - Mistakes disclosed after award in negotiated sales.
Subpart 101-45.9 - Abandonment or Destruction of Personal Property
§ 101-45.902-1 - Notice of proposed abandonment or destruction.
§ 101-45.902-2 - Abandonment or destruction without notice.
§ 101-45.900 - Cross-reference to the Federal Management Regulation (FMR) (41 CFR chapter 102, parts 102-1 through 102-220).
§ 101-45.901 - Authority to abandon or destroy.
§ 101-45.902 - Findings justifying abandonment or destruction.
Subpart 101-45.10 - Recovery of Precious Metals
§ 101-45.1002-1 - Precious metals recovery surveys.
§ 101-45.1002-2 - [Reserved]
§ 101-45.1002-3 - Precious metals recovery program monitor.
§ 101-45.1002-4 - Internal audits.
§ 101-45.1003-1 - Guidelines for the recovery of silver from used hypo solution and scrap film.
§ 101-45.1003-2 - Recovery of silver from used hypo solution.
§ 101-45.1003-3 - Recovery of silver from scrap film.
§ 101-45.1004-1 - Civil agency participation in the DOD Precious Metals Recovery Program.
§ 101-45.1004-2 - Use of DOD-recovered fine precious metals.
§ 101-45.1000 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-45.1001 - General.
§ 101-45.1002 - Agency responsibilities.
§ 101-45.1003 - Recovery of silver from precious metals bearing materials.
§ 101-45.1004 - Recovery and use of precious metals through the DOD Precious Metals Recovery Program.
Subpart 101-45.47 - Reports
§ 101-45.4700 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-45.4701 - [Reserved]
§ 101-45.4702 - Negotiated sales reports.
Subpart 101-45.48 - Exhibits
§ 101-45.4800 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-45.4801 - Instructions for the preparation of advance notice to the Department of Commerce.
§ 101-45.4802 - Sample format—irrevocable letter of credit.
§ 101-45.4803 - General instructions for preparation of irrevocable letter of credit.
§ 101-45.4804 - Sample format—draft drawn against irrevocable letter of credit.
§ 101-45.4805 - Sample format—transmittal letter to accompany letter of credit.
§ 101-45.4806 - Outline for preparation of explanatory statement relative to negotiated sales.
§ 101-45.4807 - [Reserved]
§ 101-45.4808 - State health agencies.
Subpart 101-45.49 - Illustrations of Forms
§ 101-45.4901-28 - Standard Form 28, Affidavit of Individual Surety.
§ 101-45.4901-97 - Standard Form 97, The United States Government Certificate to Obtain Title to a Vehicle.
§ 101-45.4901-114 - Standard Form 114, Sale of Government Property—Bid and Award.
§ 101-45.4901-126 - Standard Form 126, Report of Personal Property for Sale.
§ 101-45.4901-150 - Standard Form 150, Deposit Bond—Individual Invitation, Sale of Government Personal Property.
§ 101-45.4901-151 - Standard Form 151, Deposit Bond—Annual, Sale of Government Personal Property.
§ 101-45.4902-27 - GSA Form 27, Notice of Award (Sale of Government-Owned Personal Property).
§ 101-45.4903-15 - Optional Form 15, poster, Sale of Government Property.
§ 101-45.4903-16 - Optional Form 16, Sales Slip, Sale of Government Personal Property.
§ 101-45.4903-20 - Optional Form 20, Notice to Surety—Deposit Bond—Annual Sale of Government Personal Property.
§ 101-45.4901-114A - Standard Form 114A, Sale of Government Property—Item Bid Page—Sealed Bid.
§ 101-45.4901-114B - Standard Form 114B, Sale of Government Property—Item BidPage—Sealed Bid.
§ 101-45.4901-114C - Standard Form 114C, Sale of Government Property—General Sale Terms and Conditions.
§ 101-45.4901-114C-1 - Standard Form 114C-1, Sale of Government Property—Special Sealed Bid Conditions.
§ 101-45.4901-114C-2 - Standard Form 114C-2, Sale of Government Property—SpecialSealed Bid—Term Conditions.
§ 101-45.4901-114C-3 - Standard Form 114C-3, Sale of Government Property—Special Spot Bid Conditions.
§ 101-45.4901-114C-4 - Standard Form 114C-4, Sale of Government Property—Special Auction Conditions.
§ 101-45.4901-114D - Standard Form 114D, Sale of Government Property—Amendment of Invitation for Bids/Modification of Contract.
§ 101-45.4901-114E - Standard Form 114E, Sale of Government Property—Negotiated Sales Contract.
§ 101-45.4901-114F - Standard Form 114F, Sale of Government Property—Item Bid Page—Spot Bid or Auction.
§ 101-45.4900 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-45.4901 - Standard forms.
§ 101-45.4902 - GSA forms.
§ 101-45.4903 - Optional forms.
§ 101-45.4901-126A - Standard Form 126A, Report of Personal Property for Sale (Continuation Sheet).
§ 101-45.4901-97-1 - Instructions for use of Standard Form 97.
§ 101-45.4902-27A - GSA Form 27A, Notice of Award—Continuation.