Part 102-79 - Assignment and Utilization of Space  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 102-79.5 - What is the scope of this part?
§ 102-79.10 - What basic assignment and utilization of space policy governs an Executive agency?
Subpart B - Assignment and Utilization of Space
§ 102-79.65 - May Executive agencies outlease space on major public access levels, courtyards and rooftops of public buildings?
Child Care
§ 102-79.25 - May Federal agencies allot space in Federal buildings for the provision of child care services?
Public Access Defibrillation Programs
§ 102-79.115 - What guidelines must an agency follow if it elects to establish a public access defibrillation program in a Federal facility?
Siting Antennas on Federal Property
§ 102-79.70 - May Executive agencies assess fees against other Executive agencies for antenna placements and supporting services?
§ 102-79.75 - May Executive agencies assess fees for antenna placements against public service organizations for antenna site outleases on major pedestrian access levels, courtyards, and rooftops of public buildings?
§ 102-79.80 - May Executive agencies assess fees for antenna placements against telecommunication service providers for antenna site outleases on major pedestrian access levels, courtyards, and rooftops of public buildings?
§ 102-79.85 - What policy must Executive agencies follow concerning the placement of commercial antennas on Federal property?
§ 102-79.90 - What criteria must Executive agencies consider when evaluating antenna siting requests?
§ 102-79.95 - Who is responsible for the costs associated with providing access to antenna sites?
§ 102-79.100 - What must Federal agencies do with antenna siting fees that they collect?
Federal Credit Unions
§ 102-79.40 - Can Federal agencies allot space in Federal buildings to Federal credit unions?
§ 102-79.45 - What type of services may Federal agencies provide without charge to Federal credit unions?
Integrated Workplace
§ 102-79.105 - What is the Integrated Workplace?
§ 102-79.110 - What Integrated Workplace policy must Federal agencies strive to promote?
§ 102-79.111 - Where may Executive agencies find additional information on Integrated Workplace concepts?
Fitness Centers
§ 102-79.30 - May Federal agencies allot space in Federal buildings for establishing fitness centers?
§ 102-79.35 - What elements must Federal agencies address in their planning effort for establishing fitness programs?
Utilization of Space
§ 102-79.50 - What standard must Executive agencies promote in their utilization of space?
§ 102-79.55 - Is there a general hierarchy of consideration that agencies must follow in their utilization of space?
§ 102-79.60 - Are agencies required to use historic properties available to the agency?
Assignment of Space
§ 102-79.20 - What standard must Executive agencies promote when assigning space?
§ 102-79.15 - What objectives must an Executive agency strive to meet in providing assignment and utilization of space services?