Part 1150 - Certificate to Construct, Acquire, or Operate Railroad Lines  

Subpart A - Applications Under 49 U.S.C. 10901
§ 1150.1 - Introduction.
§ 1150.2 - Overview.
§ 1150.3 - Information about applicant(s).
§ 1150.4 - Information about the proposal.
§ 1150.5 - Operational data.
§ 1150.6 - Financial information.
§ 1150.7 - Environmental and energy data.
§ 1150.8 - Additional support.
§ 1150.9 - Notice.
§ 1150.10 - Procedures.
Subpart B - Designated Operators
§ 1150.11 - Introduction.
§ 1150.12 - Information about the designated operator.
§ 1150.13 - Relevant dates.
§ 1150.14 - Proposed service.
§ 1150.15 - Information about offeror.
§ 1150.16 - Procedures.
Subpart C - Modified Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity
§ 1150.21 - Scope of rules.
§ 1150.22 - Exemptions and common carrier status.
§ 1150.23 - Modified certificate of public convenience and necessity.
§ 1150.24 - Termination of service.
Subpart D - Exempt Transactions Under 49 U.S.C. 10901
§ 1150.31 - Scope of exemption.
§ 1150.32 - Procedures and relevant dates - transactions that involve creation of Class III carriers.
§ 1150.33 - Information to be contained in notice - transactions that involve creation of Class III carriers.
§ 1150.34 - Caption summary - transactions that involve creation of Class III carriers.
§ 1150.35 - Procedures and relevant dates - transactions that involve creation of Class I or Class II carriers.
§ 1150.36 - Exempt construction of connecting track.
Subpart E - Exempt Transactions Under 49 U.S.C. 10902 for Class III Rail Carriers
§ 1150.41 - Scope of exemption.
§ 1150.42 - Procedures and relevant dates for small line acquisitions.
§ 1150.43 - Information to be contained in notice for small line acquisitions.
§ 1150.44 - Caption summary.
§ 1150.45 - Procedures and relevant dates - transactions under section 10902 that involve creation of Class I or Class II rail carriers.