Part 1024 - Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X)  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 1024.1 - Designation.
§ 1024.2 - Definitions.
§ 1024.3 - E-Sign applicability.
§ 1024.4 - Reliance upon rule, regulation, or interpretation by the Bureau.
§ 1024.5 - Coverage of RESPA.
Subpart B - Mortgage Settlement and Escrow Accounts
§ 1024.6 - Special information booklet at time of loan application.
§ 1024.7 - Good faith estimate.
§ 1024.8 - Use of HUD-1 or HUD-1A settlement statements.
§ 1024.9 - Reproduction of settlement statements.
§ 1024.10 - One-day advance inspection of HUD-1 or HUD-1A settlement statement; delivery; recordkeeping.
§ 1024.11 - Mailing.
§ 1024.12 - No fee.
§ 1024.13 - [Reserved]
§ 1024.14 - Prohibition against kickbacks and unearned fees.
§ 1024.15 - Affiliated business arrangements.
§ 1024.16 - Title companies.
§ 1024.17 - Escrow accounts.
§ 1024.18 - Validity of contracts and liens.
§ 1024.19 - Enforcement.
§ 1024.20 - List of homeownership counseling organizations.
§ 1024.21 - Mortgage servicing transfers.
§ 1024.22 - Severability.
§ 1024.23 - ESIGN applicability.
§§ 1024.18--1024.19 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Mortgage Servicing
§ 1024.30 - Scope.
§ 1024.31 - Definitions.
§ 1024.32 - General disclosure requirements.
§ 1024.33 - Mortgage servicing transfers.
§ 1024.34 - Timely escrow payments and treatment of escrow account balances.
§ 1024.35 - Error resolution procedures.
§ 1024.36 - Requests for information.
§ 1024.37 - Force-placed insurance.
§ 1024.38 - General servicing policies, procedures, and requirements.
§ 1024.39 - Early intervention requirements for certain borrowers.
§ 1024.40 - Continuity of contact.
§ 1024.41 - Loss mitigation procedures.
Appendix MS - Mortgage Servicing
Appendix MS-4 - Model Clauses for the Written Early Intervention Notice
Appendix A to Part 1024 - Instructions for Completing HUD-1 and HUD-1a Settlement Statements; Sample HUD-1 and HUD-1a Statements
Appendix B to Part 1024 - Illustrations of Requirements of RESPA
Appendix C to Part 1024 - Instructions for Completing Good Faith Estimate (GFE) Form
Appendix D to Part 1024 - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Statement Format Notice
Appendix E to Part 1024 - Arithmetic Steps
Appendix MS-1 to Part 1024
Appendix MS-2 to Part 1024
Appendix MS-3 to Part 1024 - Appendix MS-3 to Part 1024
Appendix MS-4 to Part 1024 - Model Clauses for the Written Early Intervention Notice
Appendix MS to Part 1024 - Mortgage Servicing
Supplement I to Part 1024 - Official Bureau Interpretations