Part 561 - Definitions for Regulations Affecting All Savings Associations  

§ 561.1 - When do the definitions in this part apply?
§ 561.2 - Account.
§ 561.3 - Accountholder.
§ 561.4 - Affiliate.
§ 561.5 - Affiliated person.
§ 561.6 - Audit period.
§ 561.7 - [Reserved]
§ 561.8 - [Reserved]
§ 561.9 - Certificate account.
§ 561.10 - Closed-end consumer credit.
§ 561.11 - Closing date.
§ 561.12 - Consumer credit.
§ 561.13 - Consumer credit classified as a loss.
§ 561.14 - Controlling person.
§ 561.15 - Corporation.
§ 561.16 - Demand accounts.
§ 561.18 - Director.
§ 561.19 - Financial institution.
§ 561.20 - Guaranteed loan.
§ 561.21 - Guaranteed obligation.
§ 561.23 - Home mortgage.
§ 561.24 - Immediate family.
§ 561.25 - Insured loan.
§ 561.26 - Land loan.
§ 561.27 - Low-rent housing.
§ 561.28 - Money Market Deposit Accounts.
§ 561.29 - Negotiable Order of Withdrawal Accounts.
§ 561.30 - Nonresidential construction loan.
§ 561.31 - Nonwithdrawable account.
§ 561.32 - Normal lending territory.
§ 561.33 - Note account.
§ 561.34 - Office.
§ 561.35 - Officer.
§ 561.36 - Open-end consumer credit.
§ 561.37 - Parent company; subsidiary.
§ 561.38 - Political subdivision.
§ 561.39 - Principal office.
§ 561.40 - Public unit.
§ 561.41 - [Reserved]
§ 561.42 - Savings account.
§ 561.43 - Savings association.
§ 561.44 - Security.
§ 561.45 - Service corporation.
§ 561.47 - Slow consumer credit.
§ 561.48 - Slow loans.
§ 561.49 - [Reserved]
§ 561.50 - State.
§ 561.51 - Subordinated debt security.
§ 561.52 - Tax and loan account.
§ 561.53 - United States Treasury General Account.
§ 561.54 - United States Treasury Time Deposit Open Account.
§ 561.55 - With recourse.
§§ 561.7--561.8 - [Reserved]