§ 1807.300 - Eligible purposes.  

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  • § 1807.300 Eligible purposes.

    Each Recipient must use its CMF Award for the eligible activities Eligible Uses described in § 1807.301 so long as such eligible activities Eligible Uses increase private capital for and increase investment in:

    (a) Development, Preservation, Rehabilitation, and/or Purchase of Affordable Housing for primarily Extremely Low-Income, Very Low-Income, and Low-Income Families; and/or

    (b) Economic Development Activities.

    (1) Economic Development Activity must support Affordable Housing;

    (2) The Recipient may undertake Economic Development Activity In Conjunction With Affordable Housing Activities that are undertaken by parties other than the Recipient;

    (3) If the Recipient uses its CMF Award to fund an Economic Development Activity In Conjunction With Affordable Housing Activity, it must track the resulting Affordable Housing, as set forth in subpart D of this part, to the extent the Affordable Housing was financed by the CMF Award. For the purposes of meeting the 10-year affordability period requirement, Recipients are not required to track Affordable Housing that was financed by sources other than the CMF Award

    , as further described in § 1807.403, which stabilize, sustain, or revitalize communities and neighborhoods and must be: located in a Low-Income Area or Underserved Rural Area; undertaken in conjunction with any affordable housing that is authorized as such under applicable local, State or Federal housing program laws, and reasonably available to, physically proximate to, and beneficial to residents of affordable housing.