§ 574.4 - Control.  

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  • § 574.4 Control.

    (a) Conclusive control.

    (1) An acquiror shall be deemed to have acquired control of a savings association, other than a savings and loan holding company, if the acquiror directly or indirectly, through one or more subsidiaries or transactions or acting in concert with one or more persons or companies:

    (i) Acquires more than 25 percent of any class of voting stock of the savings association;

    (ii) Acquires irrevocable proxies representing more than 25 percent of any class of voting stock of the savings association;

    (iii) Acquires any combination of voting stock and irrevocable proxies representing more than 25 percent of any class of voting stock of a savings association; or

    (iv) Controls in any manner the election of a majority of the directors of the savings association.

    (2) An acquiror shall be deemed to have acquired control of a company, including a savings and loan holding company, if the acquiror directly or indirectly, or through one or more subsidiaries or transactions or acting in concert with one or more persons or companies:

    (i) Acquires more than 25 percent of any class of voting stock of the company;

    (ii) Acquires irrevocable proxies representing more than 25 percent of any class of voting stock of the company;

    (iii) Acquires any combination of voting stock and irrevocable proxies representing more than 25 percent of any class of voting stock of a savings association;

    (iv) Controls in any manner the election of a majority of the directors or trustees of a company;

    (v) Is a general partner of a company;

    (vi) Has contributed more than 25 percent of the capital of the company; or

    (vii) Is a trustee of a trust.

    (3) A company shall be deemed to control a savings association if the Office finds, after notice and opportunity for hearing, that the company has the power directly or indirectly, to exercise a controlling influence over the management or policies of the savings association.

    (4) A person shall be deemed to control a savings association if the Office determines that such person has the power to direct the management or policies of the savings association.

    (b) Rebuttable control determinations.

    (1) Except as provided in § 574.8, an acquiror shall be determined, subject to rebuttal, to have acquired control of a savings association, if the acquiror directly or indirectly, or through one or more subsidiaries or transactions or acting in concert with one or more persons or companies:

    (i) Acquires more than 10 percent of any class of voting stock of the savings association and is subject to any control factor, as defined in paragraph (c) of this section;

    (ii) Acquires more than 25 percent of any class of stock of the savings association and is subject to any control factor, as defined in paragraph (c) of this section.

    (2) An acquiror shall be determined, subject to rebuttal, to have acquired control of a savings association, if the acquiror directly or indirectly, or through one or more subsidiaries or transactions or acting in concert with one or more persons or companies, holds any combination of voting stock and revocable and/or irrevocable proxies, representing more than 25 percent of any class of voting stock of a savings association, excluding such proxies held in connection with a solicitation by, or in opposition to, a solicitation on behalf of management of the savings association, but including a solicitation in connection with an election of directors, and such proxies would enable the acquiror to:

    (i) Elect one-third or more of the savings association's board of directors, including nominees or representatives of the acquiror currently serving on such board;

    (ii) Cause the savings association's stockholders to approve the acquisition or corporate reorganization of the savings association; or

    (iii) Exert a continuing influence on a material aspect of the business operations of the savings association.

    (c) Control factors. For purposes of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the following constitute control factors. References to the acquiror include actions taken directly or indirectly, or through one or more subsidiaries or transactions or acting in concert with one or more persons or companies:

    (1) The acquiror would be one of the two largest holders of any class of voting stock of the savings association.

    (2) The acquiror would hold more than 25 percent of the total stockholders' equity of the savings association.

    (3) The acquiror would hold more than 35 percent of the combined debt securities and stockholders' equity of the savings association.

    (4) The acquiror is party to any agreement:

    (i) Pursuant to which the acquiror possesses a material economic stake in the savings association resulting from a profit-sharing arrangement, use of common names, facilities or personnel, or the provision of essential services to the savings association; or

    (ii) That enables the acquiror to influence a material aspect of the management or policies of the savings association, other than agreements to which the savings association is a party where the restrictions are customary under the circumstances and in the case of an acquisition agreement, which apply only during the period when the acquiror is seeking the Office's approval to acquire the savings association, the agreement prohibits transactions between the acquiror and the savings association and their respective affiliates without approval by the Regional Director during the pendency of the application process, and the agreement contains no material forfeiture provisions applicable to the savings association in the event the acquisition is not approved or not approved by a specified date.

    (5) The acquiror would have the ability, other than through the holding of revocable proxies, to direct the votes of more than 25 percent of a class of the savings association's voting stock or to vote more than 25 percent of a class of the savings association's voting stock in the future upon the occurrence of a future event.

    (6) The acquiror would have the power to direct the disposition of more than 25 percent of a class of the savings association's voting stock in a manner other than a widely dispersed or public offering.

    (7) The acquiror and/or the acquiror's representatives or nominees would constitute more than one member of the savings association's board of directors.

    (8) The acquiror or a nominee or management official of the acquiror would serve as the chairman of the board of directors, chairman of the executive committee, chief executive officer, chief operating officer, chief financial officer or in any position with similar policymaking authority in the savings association.

    (d) Rebuttable presumptions of concerted action. An acquiror will be presumed to be acting in concert with the following persons and companies:

    (1) A company will be presumed to be acting in concert with a controlling shareholder, partner, trustee or management official of such company with respect to the acquisition of stock of a savings association, if

    (i) Both the company and the person own stock in the savings association,

    (ii) The company provides credit to the person to purchase the savings association's stock, or

    (iii) The company pledges its assets or otherwise is instrumental in obtaining financing for the person to acquire stock of the savings association;

    (2) A person will be presumed to be acting in concert with members of the person's immediate family;

    (3) Persons will be presumed to be acting in concert with each other where

    (i) Both own stock in a savings association and both are also management officials, controlling shareholders, partners, or trustees of another company, or

    (ii) One person provides credit to another person or is instrumental in obtaining financing for another person to purchase stock of the savings association;

    (4) A company controlling or controlled by another company and companies under common control will be presumed to be acting in concert;

    (5) Persons or companies will be presumed to be acting in concert where they constitute a group under the beneficial ownership reporting rules under section 13 or the proxy rules under section 14 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    (6) A person or company will be presumed to be acting in concert with any trust for which such person or company serves as trustee, except that a tax-qualified employee stock benefit plan as defined in § 563b.2(a)(39) shall not be presumed to be acting in concert with its trustee or person acting in a similar fiduciary capacity solely for the purposes of determining whether to combine the holdings of a plan and its trustee or fiduciary.

    (7) Persons or companies will be presumed to be acting in concert with each other and with any other person or company with which they also are presumed to act in concert.

    (e) Procedures for rebuttal -

    (1) Rebuttal of control determination. An acquiror attempting to rebut a determination of control that would arise under paragraph (b) of this section shall file a submission with the Office setting forth the facts and circumstances which support the acquiror's contention that no control relationship would exist if the acquiror acquires stock or obtains a control factor with respect to a savings association. The rebuttal must be filed and accepted in accordance with this section before the acquiror acquires such stock or control factor.

    (i) An acquiror seeking to rebut the determination of control arising under paragraph (b)(1) of this section shall submit to the Office an executed agreement materially conforming to the agreement set forth at § 574.100 of this part. Unless agreed to by the Office in writing, no other agreement or filing shall be deemed to rebut the determination of control arising under paragraph (b)(1) of this section. If accepted by the Office, the acquiror shall furnish a copy of the executed agreement to the association to which the rebuttal pertains.

    (ii) An acquiror seeking to rebut the determination of control with respect to holding of proxies arising under paragraph (b)(2) of this section shall be subject to the requirements of paragraph (e)(1) of this section, except that in the case of a rebuttal of the presumption of control arising under paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the Office may require the acquiror to furnish information in response to a specific request for information and depending upon the particular facts and circumstances, to provide an executed rebuttal agreement materially conforming to the agreement set forth at § 574.100 of this part, with any modifications deemed necessary by the Office.

    (2) Presumptions of concerted action. An acquiror attempting to rebut the presumption of concerted action arising under paragraph (d) of this section shall file a submission with the Office setting forth facts and circumstances which clearly and convincingly demonstrate the acquiror's contention that no action in concert exists. Such a statement must be accompanied by an affidavit, in form and content satisfactory to the Office, executed by each person or company presumed to be acting in concert, stating that such person or company does not and shall not, without having made necessary filings and obtained approval or clearance thereof under the Holding Company Act or the Control Act, as applicable, have any agreements or understandings, written or tacit, with respect to the exercise of control, directly or indirectly, over the management or policies of the savings association, including agreements relating to voting, acquisition or disposition of the savings association's stock. The affidavit shall also recite that the signatory is aware that the filing of a false affidavit may subject the person or company to criminal sanctions, would constitute a violation of the Office's regulations at 12 CFR 563.180(b), and would be considered a “presumptive disqualifier” under 12 CFR 574.7(g)(1)(v).

    (3) Determination. A rebuttal filed pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section shall not be deemed sufficient unless it includes all the information, agreements, and affidavits required by the Office and this part, as well as any additional relevant information as the Office may require by written request to the acquiror. Within 20 calendar days after proper filing of a rebuttal submission, the Office will provide written notification of its determination to accept or reject the submission; request additional information in connection with the submission; or return the submission to the acquiror as materially deficient. Within 15 calendar days after proper filing of any additional information furnished in response to a specific request by the Office, the Office shall notify the acquiror in writing as to whether the rebuttal is thereby deemed to be sufficient. If the Office fails to notify an acquiror within such time, the rebuttal shall be deemed to be accepted. The Office may reject any rebuttal which is inconsistent with facts and circumstances known to it or where the rebuttal does not clearly and convincingly refute the rebuttable determination of control or presumption of action in concert, and may determine to reject a submission solely on such bases.

    (f) Safe harbor. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, where an acquiror has no intention to participate in or to seek to exercise control over a savings association's management or policies, the acquiror may seek to qualify for a safe harbor with respect to its ownership of stock of a savings association.

    (1) In order to qualify for the safe harbor, an acquiror must submit a certification to the OTS that shall be signed by the acquiror or an authorized representative thereof and shall read as follows:

    The undersigned makes this submission pursuant to § 574.4(f) of the regulations of the Office of Thrift Supervision (“Office”) with respect to [name of savings association] and hereby certifies to the Office the following:

    The undersigned is not in control of [name of savings association] under § 574.4(a);

    The undersigned is not subject to any control factor as enumerated in § 574.4(c) with respect to the [name of savings association];

    The undersigned will not solicit proxies relating to the voting stock of [name of savings association];

    Before any change in status occurs that would bring the undersigned within the scope of § 574.4 (a) or (b), the undersigned will file and obtain approval of a rebuttal, notice or application, as appropriate.

    The undersigned has not acquired stock of [name of savings association] for the purpose or effect of changing or influencing the control of [name of savings association] or in connection with or as a participant in any transaction having such purpose or effect.

    (2) An acquiror claiming safe-harbor status may vote freely and dissent with respect to its own stock. Certifications provided for in this paragraph must be filed with OTS in accordance with §§ 516.30 and 516.40 of this chapter.

    [54 FR 49690, Nov. 30, 1989, as amended at 57 FR 14349, Apr. 20, 1992; 60 FR 66720, Dec. 26, 1995; 66 FR 13009, Mar. 2, 2001]