§ 915.8 - Election process.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Ballots. Promptly after verifying the eligibility of all nominees in accordance with § 915.7(a), a Bank shall prepare a ballot for each voting State for which an elective directorship is to be filled and shall mail the ballot to all members within that State that were members as of the record date.

    (1) A ballot shall include at least the following provisions:

    (i) An alphabetical listing of the names of each nominee for the member's voting state, the name, location, and FHFB ID number of the member each nominee serves, the nominee's title or position with the member, and the number of elective directorships to be filled by members in that voting state in the election;

    (ii) A statement that write-in candidates are not permitted; and

    (iii) A confidentiality statement prohibiting the Banks from disclosing how a member voted.

    (2) At the election of the Bank, a ballot also may include, in the body or as an attachment, a brief description of the skills and experience of each individual nominee.

    (b) Statement on skills and experience. If a Bank has conducted an annual assessment permitted by § 915.9 and has included the results of the assessment as part of the notice to members required by § 915.6(a), it may include with each ballot a statement regarding the types of skills and experience the Bank has determined are most likely to add strength to the board of directors. If the statement differs from the statement provided under § 915.6(a)(3), the Bank also shall include an explanation of why the statements differ.

    (c) Lack of nominees. If, for any voting state, all directorships to be filled in an election are the same with regard to their respective terms and status as guaranteed or non-guaranteed directorships, and the number of nominees from that state is equal to or less than the number of such directorships, the Bank shall notify the members in the affected voting state in writing (in lieu of providing a ballot) that the directorships are to be filled without an election due to a lack of nominees. The Bank shall declare elected any eligible nominee, who shall be included as a director-elect in the report of election required under paragraph (e) of this section. If necessary, the Bank's board of directors shall fill any elective directorship that has become vacant due to a lack of a nominee in accordance with § 915.14(a).

    (d) Voting. For each directorship to be filled, a member may cast the number of votes determined by the Bank pursuant to § 915.5. A member may not split its votes among multiple nominees for a single directorship, nor, where there are multiple directorships to be filled for a voting State, may it cumulatively vote for a single nominee. Any ballots cast in violation of this subsection shall be void. To vote, a member shall:

    (1) Mark on the ballot the name of not more than one of the nominees for each elective directorship to be filled in the member's voting State. Each nominee so selected shall receive all of the votes that the member is entitled to cast.

    (2) Execute the ballot by resolution of the member's governing body, or by an appropriate writing signed by an individual authorized to act on behalf of the governing body.

    (3) Deliver the executed ballot to the Bank on or before the closing date that has been established by the Bank, which shall be no earlier than 30 calendar days after the date the ballots are mailed in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section. A member may not change a ballot after it has been delivered to the Bank.

    (e) Counting ballots. A Bank shall not open any ballot until after the closing date, and may not include in the election results any ballot received after the closing date. Promptly after the closing date, each Bank shall tabulate, by each voting State, the votes cast in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section, and shall declare elected the nominee receiving the highest number of votes.

    (1) If more than one elective directorship is to be filled in a voting State, the Bank shall declare elected each successive nominee receiving the next highest number of votes until all open elective directorships for that voting State are filled.

    (2) In the event of a tie for the last available seat, the incumbent board of directors of the Bank shall, by a majority vote, declare elected one of the nominees for whom the number of votes cast was tied.

    (3) The Bank shall retain all ballots it receives for at least two years after the date of the election, and shall not disclose how any member voted.

    (f) Report of election. Promptly following the election, each Bank shall provide written notice to its members, to each nominee, and to the Finance Board of the following:

    (1) The name of each director-elect, the name and location of the member at which he or she serves, and his or her title or position at the member;

    (2) The voting State represented by each director-elect;

    (3) The expiration date of the term of office of each director-elect;

    (4) The number of members voting in the election and the total number of votes cast, both reported by State; and

    (5) The number of votes cast for each nominee.