§ 933.1 - Submission of plan.  

Latest version.
  • (a) In general. By no later than October 29, 2001, the board of directors of each Bank shall submit to the Finance Board a plan to establish and implement a new capital structure for that Bank, which plan shall comply with part 931 of this chapter and under which, when implemented, the Bank shall have sufficient total and permanent capital to comply with the regulatory capital requirements established by part 932 of this chapter. The Finance Board, upon a demonstration of good cause submitted by the board of directors of a Bank, may approve a reasonable extension of the 270-day period for submission of the capital plan. A Bank shall not implement its capital plan, or any amendment to the plan, without Finance Board approval.

    (b) Failure to submit a capital plan. If a Bank fails to submit a capital plan to the Finance Board by October 29, 2001, including any approved extension, the Finance Board may establish a capital plan for that Bank, take any enforcement action against the Bank, its directors, or its executive officers authorized by section 2B(a) of the Act (12 U.S.C. 1422b(a)), or merge the Bank pursuant to section 26 of the Act (12 U.S.C. 1446) into any other Bank that has submitted a capital plan.

    (c) Consideration of the plan. After receipt of a Bank's capital plan, the Finance Board may return the plan to the Bank if it does not comply with section 6 of the Act (12 U.S.C. 1426) or any regulatory requirement or is otherwise incomplete or materially deficient. If the Finance Board accepts a capital plan for review, it may require the Bank to submit additional information regarding its plan or to amend the plan, prior to determining whether to approve the plan. The Finance Board may approve a capital plan as submitted or as amended, or may condition its approval on the Bank's compliance with certain stated conditions, and may require that the capital plans of all Banks take effect on the same date.