Part 223 - Transactions Between Member Banks and Their Affiliates (Regulation W)  

Subpart A - Introduction and Definitions
§ 223.1 - Authority, purpose, and scope.
§ 223.2 - What is an “affiliate” for purposes of sections 23A and 23B and this part?
§ 223.3 - What are the meanings of the other terms used in sections 23A and 23B and this part?
Subpart B - General Provisions of Section 23A
§ 223.11 - What is the maximum amount of covered transactions that a member bank may enter into with any single affiliate?
§ 223.12 - What is the maximum amount of covered transactions that a member bank may enter into with all affiliates?
§ 223.13 - What safety and soundness requirement applies to covered transactions?
§ 223.14 - What are the collateral requirements for a credit transaction with an affiliate?
§ 223.15 - May a member bank purchase a low-quality asset from an affiliate?
§ 223.16 - What transactions by a member bank with any person are treated as transactions with an affiliate?
Subpart C - Valuation and Timing Principles Under Section 23A
§ 223.21 - What valuation and timing principles apply to credit transactions?
§ 223.22 - What valuation and timing principles apply to asset purchases?
§ 223.23 - What valuation and timing principles apply to purchases of and investments in securities issued by an affiliate?
§ 223.24 - What valuation principles apply to extensions of credit secured by affiliate securities?
Subpart D - Other Requirements Under Section 23A
§ 223.31 - How does section 23A apply to a member bank's acquisition of an affiliate that becomes an operating subsidiary of the member bank after the acquisition?
§ 223.32 - What rules apply to financial subsidiaries of a member bank?
§ 223.33 - What rules apply to derivative transactions?
Subpart E - Exemptions from the Provisions of Section 23A
§ 223.41 - What covered transactions are exempt from the quantitative limits and collateral requirements?
§ 223.42 - What covered transactions are exempt from the quantitative limits, collateral requirements, and low-quality asset prohibition?
§ 223.43 - What are the standards under which the Board may grant additional exemptions from the requirements of section 23A?
Subpart F - General Provisions of Section 23B
§ 223.51 - What is the market terms requirement of section 23B?
§ 223.52 - What transactions with affiliates or others must comply with section 23B's market terms requirement?
§ 223.53 - What asset purchases are prohibited by section 23B?
§ 223.54 - What advertisements and statements are prohibited by section 23B?
§ 223.55 - What are the standards under which the Board may grant exemptions from the requirements of section 23B?
§ 223.56 - What transactions are exempt from the market-terms requirement of section 23B?
Subpart G - Application of Sections 23A and 23B to U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks
§ 223.61 - How do sections 23A and 23B apply to U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks?
Subpart H - Miscellaneous Interpretations
§ 223.71 - How do sections 23A and 23B apply to transactions in which a member bank purchases from one affiliate an asset relating to another affiliate?
Subpart I - Savings Associations - Transactions with Affiliates
§ 223.72 - Transactions with affiliates.