Part 261 - Rules Regarding Availability of Information  

Subpart A - General
§ 261.1 - Authority, purpose, and scope.
§ 261.2 - Definitions.
§ 261.3 - Custodian of records; certification; service; alternative authority.
§ 261.4 - Prohibition against disclosure.
Subpart B - Published Information and Records Available to Public; Procedures for Requests
§ 261.10 - Published information.
§ 261.11 - Records available to the public upon request.
§ 261.12 - Processing requests.
§ 261.13 - Responses to requests.
§ 261.14 - Appeals.
§ 261.15 - Exemptions from disclosure.
§ 261.16 - Fee schedules; waiver of fees.
§ 261.17 - Request for confidential treatment.
§ 261.18 - Process for addressing a submitter's request for confidential treatment.
Subpart C - Nonpublic Information Made Available to Supervised Financial Institutions, Governmental Agencies, and Others in Certain Circumstances
§ 261.20 - General.
§ 261.21 - Confidential supervisory information made available to supervised financial institutions.
§ 261.22 - Nonpublic information made available by the Board to governmental agencies and entities exercising governmental authority.
§ 261.23 - Other disclosure of confidential supervisory information.
§ 261.24 - Subpoenas, orders compelling production, and other process.