Part 19 - Rules of Practice and Procedure  

§ 19.0 - Applicability date.
Subpart A - Uniform Rules of Practice and Procedure
§ 19.1 - Scope.
§ 19.2 - Rules of construction.
§ 19.3 - Definitions.
§ 19.4 - Authority of the Comptroller.
§ 19.5 - Authority of the administrative law judge (ALJ).
§ 19.6 - Appearance and practice in adjudicatory proceedings.
§ 19.7 - Good faith certification.
§ 19.8 - Conflicts of interest.
§ 19.9 - Ex parte communications.
§ 19.10 - Filing of papers.
§ 19.11 - Service of papers.
§ 19.12 - Construction of time limits.
§ 19.13 - Change of time limits.
§ 19.14 - Witness fees and expenses.
§ 19.15 - Opportunity for informal settlement.
§ 19.16 - OCC's right to conduct examination.
§ 19.17 - Collateral attacks on adjudicatory proceeding.
§ 19.18 - Commencement of proceeding and contents of notice.
§ 19.19 - Answer.
§ 19.20 - Amended pleadings.
§ 19.21 - Failure to appear.
§ 19.22 - Consolidation and severance of actions.
§ 19.23 - Motions.
§ 19.24 - Scope of document discovery.
§ 19.25 - Request for document discovery from parties.
§ 19.26 - Document subpoenas to nonparties.
§ 19.27 - Deposition of witness unavailable for hearing.
§ 19.28 - Interlocutory review.
§ 19.29 - Summary disposition.
§ 19.30 - Partial summary disposition.
§ 19.31 - Scheduling and prehearing conferences.
§ 19.32 - Prehearing submissions.
§ 19.33 - Public hearings.
§ 19.34 - Hearing subpoenas.
§ 19.35 - Conduct of hearings.
§ 19.36 - Evidence.
§ 19.37 - Post-hearing filings.
§ 19.38 - Recommended decision and filing of record.
§ 19.39 - Exceptions to recommended decision.
§ 19.40 - Review by the Comptroller.
§ 19.41 - Stays pending judicial review.
Subpart B - Procedural Rules for OCC Adjudications
§ 19.100 - Filing documents.
§ 19.101 - Delegation to OFIA.
§ 19.102 - Civil money penalties.
Subpart C - Removals, Suspensions, and Prohibitions of an Institution-Affiliated Party When a Crime Is Charged or a Conviction Is Obtained
§ 19.110 - Scope and definitions.
§ 19.111 - Suspension, removal, or prohibition of institution-affiliated party.
§ 19.112 - Informal hearing.
§ 19.113 - Recommended and final decisions.
Subpart D - Actions Under the Federal Securities Laws
§ 19.120 - Exemption hearings under section 12(h) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
§ 19.121 - Disciplinary proceedings.
§ 19.122 - Civil money penalty authority under Federal securities laws.
§ 19.123 - Cease-and-desist authority.
§ 19.124 - Decision of the Comptroller.
Subpart E - Disciplinary Proceedings Involving the Federal Securities Laws
§ 19.130 - Scope.
§ 19.131 - Notice of charges and answer.
§ 19.132 - Disciplinary orders.
§ 19.135 - Applications for stay or review of disciplinary actions imposed by registered clearing agencies.
Subpart F - Civil Money Penalty Authority Under the Securities Laws
§ 19.140 - Scope.
Subpart G - Cease-and-Desist Authority Under the Securities Laws
§ 19.150 - Scope.
Subpart H - Change in Bank Control
§ 19.160 - Scope.
§ 19.161 - Hearing process.
Subpart I - Discovery Depositions and Subpoenas
§ 19.170 - Discovery depositions.
§ 19.171 - Deposition subpoenas.
Subpart J - Formal Investigations
§ 19.180 - Scope.
§ 19.181 - Confidentiality of formal investigations.
§ 19.182 - Order to conduct a formal investigation.
§ 19.183 - Rights of witnesses.
§ 19.184 - Service of subpoena and payment of witness expenses.
§ 19.185 - Dilatory, obstructionist, or insubordinate conduct.
Subpart K - Parties and Representational Practice Before the OCC; Standards of Conduct
§ 19.190 - Scope.
§ 19.191 - Definitions.
§ 19.192 - Sanctions relating to conduct in an adjudicatory proceeding.
§ 19.193 - Censure, suspension, or debarment.
§ 19.194 - Eligibility of attorneys and accountants to practice.
§ 19.195 - Incompetence.
§ 19.196 - Disreputable conduct.
§ 19.197 - Initiation of disciplinary proceeding.
§ 19.198 - Conferences.
§ 19.199 - Proceedings under this subpart.
§ 19.200 - Effect of debarment, suspension, or censure.
§ 19.201 - Petition for reinstatement.
Subpart L - Equal Access to Justice Act
§ 19.205 - Authority and scope; waiver.
§ 19.206 - Definitions.
§ 19.207 - Application requirements.
§ 19.208 - Net worth exhibit.
§ 19.209 - Documentation of fees and expenses.
§ 19.210 - Filing and service of documents.
§ 19.211 - Answer to application.
§ 19.212 - Reply.
§ 19.213 - Settlement.
§ 19.214 - Further proceedings.
§ 19.215 - Decision.
§ 19.216 - Agency review.
§ 19.217 - Judicial review.
§ 19.218 - Stay of decision concerning award.
§ 19.219 - Payment of award.
Subpart M - Procedures for Reclassifying an Insured Depository Institution Based on Criteria Other Than Capital Under Prompt Corrective Action
§ 19.220 - Scope.
§ 19.221 - Reclassification of an insured depository institution based on unsafe or unsound condition or practice.
§ 19.222 - Request for rescission of reclassification.
Subpart N - Order To Dismiss a Director or Senior Executive Officer Under Prompt Corrective Action
§ 19.230 - Scope.
§ 19.231 - Order to dismiss a director or senior executive officer.
Subpart O - Civil Money Penalty Inflation Adjustments
§ 19.240 - Inflation adjustments.
Subpart P - Removal, Suspension, and Debarment of Accountants From Performing Audit Services
§ 19.241 - Scope.
§ 19.242 - Definitions.
§ 19.243 - Removal, suspension, or debarment.
§ 19.244 - Automatic removal, suspension, or debarment.
§ 19.245 - Notice of removal, suspension, or debarment.
§ 19.246 - Petition for reinstatement.
Subpart Q - Forfeiture of Franchise for Money Laundering or Cash Transaction Reporting Offenses
§ 19.250 - Scope.
§ 19.251 - Notice and hearing.
§ 19.252 - Presiding officer.
§ 19.253 - Grounds for termination.
§ 19.254 - Judicial review.
Appendix A to Part 19 - —Rules of Practice and Procedure