§ 304.1 - Designation of Economic Development Districts: Regional eligibility.  

Latest version.
  • § 304.1 Designation of Economic Development Districts: Regional eligibility.

    Upon the request of a District Organization (as defined in § 304.2), EDA may designate a Region as an Economic Development District if such Region:

    (a) Contains at least one geographic area that is subject to the economic distress criteria set forth in § 301.3(a)(1) of this chapter and is identified in an approved CEDS;

    (b) Is of sufficient size or population and contains sufficient resources to foster economic development on a scale involving more than a single geographic area subject to the economic distress criteria set forth in § 301.3(a)(1) of this chapter;

    (c) Has an EDA-approved CEDS that:

    (1) Meets the requirements under § 303.7 of this chapter;

    (2) Contains a specific program for intra-District cooperation, self-help, and public investment; and

    (3) Is approved by each affected State and by the Assistant Secretary;

    (d) Obtains commitments from at least a majority of the counties or other areas within the proposed District, as determined by EDA, to support the economic development activities of the District; and

    (e) Obtains the concurrence with the designation request from the State (or States) in which the proposed District will be wholly or partially located.

    [71 FR 56675, Sept. 27, 2006, as amended at 79 FR 76131, Dec. 19, 2014]