Part 109 - Intermediary Lending Pilot Program  

Subpart A - Introduction
§ 109.10 - Description of the Intermediary Lending Pilot program.
§ 109.15 - Severability.
§ 109.20 - Definitions.
Subpart B - ILP Intermediary Application and Selection Process
§ 109.100 - ILP Intermediary eligibility and continuing participation requirements.
§ 109.200 - Application to become an ILP Intermediary.
§ 109.210 - Evaluation and selection of ILP Intermediaries.
§§ 109.200--109.220 - [Reserved]
§ 109.220 - Loan limits - loans to ILP Intermediaries.
Subpart C - ILP Program Requirements
§ 109.300 - General.
§ 109.310 - Terms of loans to ILP Intermediaries.
§ 109.320 - ILP Loan purposes.
§ 109.330 - ILP Relending Fund.
§ 109.340 - Lending requirements.
§ 109.350 - Maintenance of loan loss reserve.
§ 109.360 - Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
Subpart D - Requirements for ILP Intermediary Loans to Small Businesses
§ 109.400 - Eligible Small Business Concerns.
§ 109.410 - Loan limits - loans to Eligible Small Business Concerns.
§ 109.420 - Terms of loans from ILP Intermediaries to Eligible Small Business Concerns.
§ 109.430 - Loan purposes.
§ 109.440 - Requirements imposed under other laws and orders.
§ 109.450 - SBA review of ILP Intermediary loans to Eligible Small Business Concerns.
§ 109.460 - Prohibition on sales of ILP Intermediary Loans to Eligible Small Business Concerns.
Subpart E - Oversight
§ 109.500 - SBA access to ILP Intermediary files.
§ 109.510 - Reviews.
§ 109.520 - Events of default and revocation of authority to participate in the ILP program.
§ 109.530 - Debarment and Suspension.