§ 1312.27 - Classification, exceptions, rules, dangerous articles and station list tariffs.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Classification. (1) A classification of commodities may be published as a separate tariff. The classification shall list the various commodities and assigned class of each. Whatever organization is used within the tariff shall be clear.

    (2) Rules having general application may be published in a classification. The rules shall precede the itemized list of articles.

    (3) The classification shall, if applicable, include a statement that exception exist and take precedence.

    (b) Exceptions tariffs. (1) Exceptions to the classification provisions may be published in a separate tariff.

    (2) Exceptions tariffs shall be published as required by the rules governing tariff content generally. The title page shall contain the following statement:

    (c) Rules tariffs. Governing provisions may be published in a separate tariff or tariffs provided the application and any exceptions are clearly explained.

    (d) Dangerous articles tariffs. The Department of Transportation's regulations governing the acceptance and transportation of dangerous articles and hazardous materials may be reproduced and filed in a separate tariff.

    (e) Participation in governing publications. Carriers participating in tariffs which refer to, and are governed by, separate tariffs (classifications, exceptions, rules etc.), shall also participate in those governing separate tariffs, unless specifically stated in the governed tariffs that provisions in the separate tariffs will not apply for their account. This does not require participation in local drayage tariffs or in terminal and special services tariffs applicable only for the issuing carrier. Carriers participating in a rate tariff solely to provide substituted service at another carrier's option need not participate in the governing tariffs. See § 1312.38.

    (f) List of stations showing facilities, additions and abandonments. (1) A tariff publication may be filed containing a list of stations with the railroad location of each, alphabetically and geographically arranged with index numbers, prepay requirements, station facilities, additions of stations, abandonments of stations, changes in names of stations, and restrictions as to acceptance and delivery of freight. No rates or charges and no matter that will in any way increase or decrease the rate or charge in tariffs making reference to this publication may be shown. Changes in the tariff may be made on not less than 1 day's notice, except that announcement of the restrictions as to the acceptance or delivery of freight shall be made effective on not less than statutory notice.

    (2) Changes made on less than statutory notice under the authority of this paragraph shall state that they are so made.

    (3) Rate tariffs that are to be governed by the separate tariff publication shall so state, and their application clearly explained.

    (4) When a station has been abandoned as of a date specified in the tariff authorized by this section, the rates from or to the station are inapplicable and shall be eliminated in the next amendment of the rate tariffs. When the elimination is made by supplement, the following notation shall be used:

    This notation must be continued in connection with the name of the station as long as the tariff remains effective, and indicated as a reissue from the supplement in which it was first published, but without stating the effective date of the supplement.