Part 1322 - Grants to Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian Grantees for Supportive, Nutrition, and Caregiver Services  

Subpart A - Introduction
§ 1322.1 - Basis and purpose of this part.
§ 1322.3 - Definitions.
Subpart B - Application
§ 1322.5 - Application requirements.
§ 1322.7 - Application approval.
§ 1322.9 - Hearing procedures.
Subpart C - Service Requirements
§ 1322.11 - Purpose of services allotments under Title VI.
§ 1322.13 - Policies and procedures.
§ 1322.15 - Confidentiality and disclosure of information.
§ 1322.17 - Purpose of services—person- and family-centered, trauma-informed.
§ 1322.19 - Responsibilities of service providers.
§ 1322.21 - Client eligibility for participation.
§ 1322.23 - Client and service priority.
§ 1322.25 - Supportive services.
§ 1322.27 - Nutrition services.
§ 1322.29 - Family caregiver support services.
§ 1322.31 - Title VI and Title III coordination.
Subpart D - Emergency and Disaster Requirements
§ 1322.33 - Coordination with Tribal, State, and local emergency management.
§ 1322.35 - Flexibilities under a major disaster declaration.
§ 1322.37 - Title VI and Title III coordination for emergency and disaster preparedness.
§ 1322.39 - Modification during major disaster declaration or public health emergency.