Part 137 - Agricultural Aircraft Operations  

Subpart A - General
§ 137.1 - Applicability.
§ 137.3 - Definition of terms.
Subpart B - Certification Rules
§ 137.11 - Certificate required.
§ 137.15 - Application for certificate.
§ 137.17 - Amendment of certificate.
§ 137.19 - Certification requirements.
§ 137.21 - Duration of certificate.
§ 137.23 - Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances.
Subpart C - Operating Rules
§ 137.29 - General.
§ 137.31 - Aircraft requirements.
§ 137.33 - Carrying of certificate.
§ 137.35 - Limitations on private agricultural aircraft operator.
§ 137.37 - Manner of dispensing.
§ 137.39 - Economic poison dispensing.
§ 137.40 - Employment of former FAA employees.
§ 137.41 - Personnel.
§ 137.42 - Fastening of safety belts and shoulder harnesses.
§ 137.43 - Operations in controlled airspace designated for an airport.
§ 137.45 - Nonobservance of airport traffic pattern.
§ 137.47 - Operation without position lights.
§ 137.49 - Operations over other than congested areas.
§ 137.51 - Operation over congested areas: General.
§ 137.53 - Operation over congested areas: Pilots and aircraft.
§ 137.55 - Business name: Commercial agricultural aircraft operator.
§ 137.57 - Availability of certificate.
§ 137.59 - Inspection authority.
Subpart D - Records and Reports
§ 137.71 - Records: Commercial agricultural aircraft operator.
§ 137.75 - Change of address.
§ 137.77 - Termination of operations.