Part 105 - Parachute Operations  

§ 105.1 - Applicability.
§ 105.3 - Definitions.
§ 105.5 - General.
§ 105.7 - Use of alcohol and drugs.
§ 105.9 - Inspections.
Subpart A - General
Subpart B - Operating Rules
§ 105.11 - Applicability.
§ 105.13 - Radio equipment and use requirements.
§ 105.14 - Radio equipment and use requirements.
§ 105.15 - Information required and notice of cancellation or postponement of a parachute operation.
§ 105.17 - Flight visibility and clearance from cloud requirements.
§ 105.19 - Parachute operations between sunset and sunrise.
§ 105.21 - Parachute operations over or into a congested area or an open-air assembly of persons.
§ 105.23 - Parachute operations over or onto airports.
§ 105.25 - Parachute operations in designated airspace.
§ 105.27 - Jumps over or within restricted or prohibited areas.
§ 105.29 - Flight visibility and clearance from clouds requirements.
§ 105.33 - Parachute jumps between sunset and sunrise.
§ 105.35 - Liquor and drugs.
§ 105.37 - Inspections.
Subpart C - Parachute Equipment and Packing
§ 105.41 - Applicability.
§ 105.43 - Use of single-harness, dual-parachute systems.
§ 105.45 - Use of tandem parachute systems.
§ 105.47 - Use of static lines.
§ 105.49 - Foreign parachutists and equipment.