Part 1214 - Space Flight  

Subpart 1214.1 - General Provisions Regarding Space Shuttle Flights of Payloads for Non-U.S. Government, Reimbursable Customers
§ 1214.100 - Scope.
§ 1214.101 - Eligibility for flight of a non-U.S. government reimbursable payload on the Space Shuttle.
§ 1214.102 - Definitions.
§ 1214.103 - Reimbursement for standard services.
§ 1214.104 - Reimbursement for optional services.
§ 1214.105 - Apportionment and/or assignment of services.
§ 1214.106 - Minor delays.
§ 1214.107 - Postponement.
§ 1214.108 - Termination.
§ 1214.109 - Scheduling.
§ 1214.110 - Reflight.
§ 1214.111 - Rendezvous services.
§ 1214.112 - Patent, data and information matters.
§ 1214.113 - Allocation of risk.
§ 1214.114 - Provision of services.
§ 1214.115 - Standard services.
§ 1214.116 - Typical optional services.
§ 1214.117 - Launch and orbit parameters for a standard launch.
§ 1214.118 - Special criteria for deployable payloads.
§ 1214.119 - Spacelab payloads.
Subpart 1214.2 - Reimbursement for Shuttle Services Provided to Civil U.S. Government Users and Foreign Users Who Have Made Substantial Investment in the STS Program
§ 1214.200 - Scope.
§ 1214.201 - Definition.
§ 1214.202 - Reimbursement policy.
§ 1214.203 - Optional reflight guarantee.
§ 1214.204 - Patent and data rights.
§ 1214.205 - Revisit and/or retrieval services.
§ 1214.206 - Damage to payload.
§ 1214.207 - Responsibilities.
Appendix A to Subpart 1214.2 - Costs for Which NASA Shall Be Reimbursed
Appendix B to Subpart 1214.2 - Occupancy Fee Schedule
Appendix A to Subpart 1214.2 of Part 1214 - Costs for Which NASA Shall Be Reimbursed
Appendix B to Subpart 1214.2 of Part 1214 - Occupancy Fee Schedule
Subpart 1214.3 - Payload Specialists for Space Transportation System (STS) Missions
§ 1214.300 - Scope.
§ 1214.301 - Definitions.
§ 1214.302 - Background.
§ 1214.303 - Policy.
§ 1214.304 - Process.
§ 1214.305 - Payload specialist responsibilities.
§ 1214.306 - Payload specialist relationship with sponsoring institutions.
Subpart 1214.4 - International Space Station Crew
§ 1214.400 - Scope.
§ 1214.401 - Applicability.
§ 1214.402 - International Space Station crewmember responsibilities.
§ 1214.403 - Code of Conduct for the International Space Station Crew.
§ 1214.404 - Violations.
Subpart 1214.5 - XXX
§ 1214.500 - Scope.
§ 1214.501 - Applicability.
§ 1214.502 - Definitions.
§ 1214.503 - Policy.
§ 1214.504 - Screening requirements.
§ 1214.505 - Program implementation.
Subpart 1214.6 - Mementos Aboard NASA Missions
§ 1214.600 - Scope.
§ 1214.601 - Definitions.
§ 1214.602 - Policy.
§ 1214.603 - Official Flight Kit.
§ 1214.604 - Personal Preference Kit.
§ 1214.605 - Preflight packing and storing.
§ 1214.606 - Postflight disposition.
§ 1214.607 - Media and public inquiries.
§ 1214.608 - [Reserved]
§ 1214.609 - Loss or Theft.
§ 1214.610 - Violations.
§§ 1214.605--1214.606 - [Reserved]
Subpart 1214.7 - The Authority of the NASA Commander
§ 1214.700 - Scope.
§ 1214.701 - Definitions.
§ 1214.702 - Authority and responsibility of the NASA Commander.
§ 1214.703 - Chain of command.
§ 1214.704 - Violations.
Subpart 1214.8 - Reimbursement for Spacelab Services
§ 1214.800 - Scope.
§ 1214.801 - Definitions.
§ 1214.802 - Relationship to Shuttle policy.
§ 1214.803 - Reimbursement policy.
§ 1214.804 - Services, pricing basis, and other considerations.
§ 1214.805 - Unforeseen customer delay.
§ 1214.806 - Premature termination of Spacelab flights.
§ 1214.807 - Exceptional payloads.
§ 1214.808 - Standby payloads.
§ 1214.809 - Short-term call-up and accelerated launch.
§ 1214.810 - Integration of payloads.
§ 1214.811 - Reflight guarantee.
§ 1214.812 - Payload specialists.
§ 1214.813 - Computation of sharing and pricing parameters.
Subpart 1214.9 - Small Self-Contained Payloads (SSCPs)
§ 1214.900 - What does this subpart cover?
§ 1214.901 - What is the relationship of this subpart with subparts 1214.1 and 1214.2?
§ 1214.902 - Definitions.
§ 1214.903 - What are the requirements concerning Launch Services Agreements (LSA)?
§ 1214.904 - What are the conditions of use for a SSCP?
§ 1214.905 - What is NASA's reimbursement policy?
§ 1214.906 - When will my payload be scheduled to fly?
§ 1214.907 - Will NASA re-fly my payload if something goes wrong (and it's not my fault)?
§ 1214.908 - Who gets rights to patents resulting from the payload or to the scientific/research data generated?
§ 1214.909 - What if my payload is damaged?
§ 1214.910 - What are the standard services NASA provides for my payload?
§ 1214.911 - Can I buy optional services for my payload from NASA?
§§ 1214.900--1214.912 - [Reserved]
§ 1214.912 - Are there special provisions for SSCP participants who already have a signed LSA governed by regulations in effect before April 23, 1999?
Subpart 1214.10 - [Reserved]
§ 1214.1000 - Scope.
§ 1214.1001 - Goal.
§ 1214.1002 - Pricing.
§ 1214.1003 - Qualifications.
§§ 1214.1000--1214.1004 - [Reserved]
§ 1214.1004 - Results and data dissemination.
Subpart 1214.11 - NASA Astronaut Candidate Recruitment and Selection Program
§ 1214.1100 - Scope.
§ 1214.1101 - Announcement.
§ 1214.1102 - Evaluation of applications.
§ 1214.1103 - Application cutoff date.
§ 1214.1104 - Evaluation and ranking of highly qualified candidates.
§ 1214.1105 - Final ranking.
§ 1214.1106 - Selection of astronaut candidates.
§ 1214.1107 - Notification.
Subpart 1214.17 - Space Flight Participants
§ 1214.1700 - Scope.
§ 1214.1701 - Applicability.
§ 1214.1702 - Relation to other part 1214 material.
§ 1214.1703 - Definitions.
§ 1214.1704 - Policy.
§ 1214.1705 - Selection of space flight participants.
§ 1214.1706 - Program management.
§ 1214.1707 - Media and public inquiries.
Subparts 1214.1--1214.3 - XXX
Subparts 1214.12--1214.17 - XXX
Subparts 1214.8--1214.10 - XXX