Part 1216 - Environmental Quality  

Subpart 1216.1 - Policy on Environmental Quality and Control
§ 1216.100 - Scope.
§ 1216.101 - Applicability.
§ 1216.102 - Policy.
§ 1216.103 - Responsibilities of NASA officials.
Subpart 1216.2 - XXX
§ 1216.200 - Scope.
§ 1216.201 - Applicability.
§ 1216.202 - Responsibility of NASA officials.
§ 1216.203 - Definition of key terms.
§ 1216.204 - General implementation requirements.
§ 1216.205 - Procedures for evaluating NASA actions impacting floodplains and wetlands.
Subpart 1216.3 - Procedures for Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
§ 1216.300 - Scope.
§ 1216.301 - Applicability.
§ 1216.302 - Responsibilities.
§ 1216.303 - NEPA process in NASA planning and decision making.
§ 1216.304 - Categorical exclusions.
§ 1216.305 - Actions normally requiring an environmental assessment (EA).
§ 1216.306 - Actions normally requiring an environmental impact statement (EIS).
§ 1216.307 - Programmatic documents and tiering.
§ 1216.308 - Supplemental EAs and EISs.
§ 1216.309 - Mitigation and monitoring.
§ 1216.310 - Classified actions.
§ 1216.311 - Emergency responses.
Other Requirements
§ 1216.319 - Environmental resources document.
§ 1216.320 - Environmental review and consultation requirements.
§ 1216.321 - Environmental effects abroad of major Federal actions.
Agency Procedures
§ 1216.312 - Timing.
§ 1216.313 - Implementing and monitoring the decision.
§ 1216.314 - Tiering.
§ 1216.315 - Processing legislative environmental impact statements.
§ 1216.316 - Cooperating with other agencies and individuals.
§ 1216.317 - Classified information.
§ 1216.318 - Deviations.
Appendix A to Subpart 1216.3 of Part 1216 - —Acronyms