Part 136 - Commercial Air Tours and National Parks Air Tour Management  

Subpart A - National Air Tour Safety Standards
§ 136.1 - Applicability and definitions.
§ 136.3 - Letters of Authorization.
§ 136.5 - Additional requirements for Hawaii.
§ 136.7 - Passenger briefings.
§ 136.9 - Life preservers for operations over water.
§ 136.11 - Rotorcraft floats for over water.
§ 136.13 - Performance plan.
§§ 136.15--136.29 - [Reserved]
Subpart B - National Parks Air Tour Management
§ 136.31 - Applicability.
§ 136.33 - Definitions.
§ 136.35 - Prohibition of commercial air tour operations over the Rocky Mountain National Park.
§ 136.37 - Overflights of national parks and tribal lands.
§ 136.39 - Air tour management plans (ATMP).
§ 136.41 - Interim operating authority.
§§ 136.43--136.49 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Grand Canyon National Park
§§ 136.51--136.69 - [Reserved]
Subpart D - Special Operating Rules for Air Tour Operators in the State of Hawaii
§ 136.71 - Applicability.
§ 136.73 - Definitions.
§ 136.75 - Equipment and requirements.
Appendix A to Part 136 - —Special Operating Rules for Air Tour Operators in the State of Hawaii