Part 151 - Federal Aid to Airports  

Subpart A - General Requirements
§ 151.1 - Applicability.
§ 151.3 - National Airport Plan.
§ 151.5 - General policies.
§ 151.7 - Grants of funds: General policies.
§ 151.9 - Runway clear zones: General.
§ 151.11 - Runway clear zones; requirements.
§ 151.13 - Federal-aid Airport Program: Policy affecting landing aid requirements.
§ 151.15 - Federal-aid Airport Program: Policy affecting runway or taxiway remarking.
Subpart B - Rules and Procedures for Airport Development Projects
§ 151.21 - Procedures: Application; general information.
§ 151.23 - Procedures: Application; funding information.
§ 151.24 - Procedures: Application; information on estimated project costs.
§ 151.25 - Procedures: Application; information as to property interests.
§ 151.26 - Procedures: Applications; compatible land use information; consideration of local community interest; relocation of displaced persons.
§ 151.27 - Procedures: Application, plans, specifications, and appraisals.
§ 151.29 - Procedures: Offer, amendment, and acceptance.
§ 151.31 - Procedures: Grant agreement.
§ 151.33 - Cosponsorship and agency.
§ 151.35 - Airport development and facilities to which subparts B and C apply.
§ 151.37 - Sponsor eligibility.
§ 151.39 - Project eligibility.
§ 151.41 - Project costs.
§ 151.43 - United States share of project costs.
§ 151.45 - Performance of construction work: General requirements.
§ 151.47 - Performance of construction work: Letting of contracts.
§ 151.49 - Performance of construction work: Contract requirements.
§ 151.51 - Performance of construction work: Sponsor force account.
§ 151.53 - Performance of construction work: Labor requirements.
§ 151.54 - Equal employment opportunity requirements: Before July 1, 1968.
§ 151.55 - Accounting and audit.
§ 151.57 - Grant payments: General.
§ 151.59 - Grant payments: Land acquisition.
§ 151.61 - Grant payments: Partial.
§ 151.63 - Grant payments: Semifinal and final.
§ 151.65 - Memoranda and hearings.
§ 151.67 - Forms.
§ 151.54a - Equal employment opportunity requirements: After June 30, 1968.
Subpart C - Project Programming Standards
§ 151.71 - Applicability.
§ 151.72 - Incorporation by reference of technical guidelines in Advisory Circulars.
§ 151.73 - Land acquisition.
§ 151.75 - Preparation of site.
§ 151.77 - Runway paving: General rules.
§ 151.79 - Runway paving: Second runway; wind conditions.
§ 151.80 - Runway paving: Additional runway; other conditions.
§ 151.81 - Taxiway paving.
§ 151.83 - Aprons.
§ 151.85 - Special treatment areas.
§ 151.86 - Lighting and electrical work: General.
§ 151.87 - Lighting and electrical work: Standards.
§ 151.89 - Roads.
§ 151.91 - Removal of obstructions.
§ 151.93 - Buildings; utilities; sidewalks; parking areas; and landscaping.
§ 151.95 - Fences; distance markers; navigational and landing aids; and offsite work.
§ 151.97 - Maintenance and repair.
§ 151.99 - Modifications of programming standards.
Subpart D - Rules and Procedures for Advance Planning and Engineering Proposals
§ 151.111 - Advance planning proposals: General.
§ 151.113 - Advance planning proposals: Sponsor eligibility.
§ 151.115 - Advance planning proposals: Cosponsorship and agency.
§ 151.117 - Advance planning proposals: Procedures; application.
§ 151.119 - Advance planning proposals: Procedures; funding.
§ 151.121 - Procedures: Offer; sponsor assurances.
§ 151.123 - Procedures: Offer; amendment; acceptance; advance planning agreement.
§ 151.125 - Allowable advance planning costs.
§ 151.127 - Accounting and audit.
§ 151.129 - Payments.
§ 151.131 - Forms.
Appendix A to Part 151
Appendix B to Part 151
Appendix C to Part 151
Appendix D to Part 151
Appendix E to Part 151
Appendix F to Part 151
Appendix G to Part 151
Appendix H to Part 151
Appendix I to Part 151