Part 385 - Staff Assignments and Review of Action Under Assignments  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 385.1 - Definitions.
§ 385.2 - Applicability.
§ 385.3 - Scope of staff action.
§ 385.4 - Form of staff action.
§ 385.5 - Procedures prescribed in other regulations.
§ 385.6 - Referral to the Reviewing Official.
§ 385.7 - Exercise of authority by superiors.
§ 385.8 - Exercise of authority in “acting” capacity.
Subpart B - Assignment of Functions to Staff Members
§ 385.10 - Authority of Chief Administrative Law Judge, Office of Hearings.
§ 385.11 - Authority of the Administrative Law Judges, Office of Hearings.
§ 385.12 - Authority of the Director, Office of Aviation Analysis.
§ 385.13 - Authority of the Director, Office of International Aviation.
§ 385.14 - Authority of the General Counsel.
§ 385.15 - [Reserved]
§ 385.16 - Heads of Offices and Assistant General Counsels.
§ 385.17 - Authority of the Assistant General Counsel for Regulation and Enforcement.
§ 385.18 - Authority of the Docket Officer, Docket Operations Office.
§ 385.19 - Authority of the Director, Office of Airline Information, Bureau of Transportation Statistics.
§ 385.20 - Authority of the Inspector General.
§ 385.21 - Authority of the Chief, Accounting Division, Office of Budget and Policy, Federal Transit Administration.
Subpart C - Procedure on Review of Staff Action
§ 385.30 - Persons who may petition for review.
§ 385.31 - Petitions for review.
§ 385.32 - Effective date of staff action.
§ 385.33 - Review by the staff.
§ 385.34 - Decision by the Reviewing Official.