Part 5 - Safety Management Systems

Subpart A - General
§ 5.1 - Applicability.
§ 5.3 - Definitions.
§ 5.5 - General requirements.
§ 5.7 - Requirements for domestic, flag, and supplemental operations.
§ 5.9 - Requirements for commuter and on-demand operations or passenger-carrying flights for compensation or hire.
§ 5.11 - Requirements for production certificate holders that are holders or licensees of a type certificate for the same product.
§ 5.13 - Requirements for type certificate holders or licensees applying for a production certificate for the same product.
§ 5.15 - Requirements for type certificate holders that allow another person to use the type certificate to obtain a production certificate for the same product.
§ 5.17 - Organizational system description.
§ 5.19 - Implementation plan.
Subpart B - Safety Policy
§ 5.21 - Safety policy.
§ 5.23 - Safety accountability and authority.
§ 5.25 - Designation and responsibilities of required safety management personnel.
§ 5.27 - Coordination of emergency response planning.
Subpart C - Safety Risk Management
§ 5.51 - Applicability.
§ 5.53 - System analysis and hazard identification.
§ 5.55 - Safety risk assessment and control.
§ 5.57 - Notification of hazards to interfacing persons.
Subpart D - Safety Assurance
§ 5.71 - Safety performance monitoring and measurement.
§ 5.73 - Safety performance assessment.
§ 5.75 - Continuous improvement.
Subpart E - Safety Promotion
§ 5.91 - Competencies and training.
§ 5.93 - Safety communication.
Subpart F - SMS Documentation and Recordkeeping
§ 5.95 - SMS documentation.
§ 5.97 - SMS records.