Part 1480 - Acquisitions Under the Buy Indian Act  

Subpart 1480.1 - General
§ 1480.101 - Scope of part.
§ 1480.102 - Buy Indian Act acquisition regulations.
Subpart 1480.2 - Definitions
§ 1480.201 - Definitions.
Subpart 1480.3 - Applicability
§ 1480.301 - Scope of part.
§ 1480.302 - Restrictions on the use of the Buy Indian Act.
Subpart 1480.4 - Policy
§ 1480.401 - Requirement to give preference to Indian economic enterprises.
§ 1480.402 - Delegations and responsibility.
§ 1480.403 - Deviations.
Subpart 1480.5 - Procedures
§ 1480.501 - General.
§ 1480.502 - [Reserved]
§ 1480.503 - Procedures for acquisitions under the Buy Indian Act.
§ 1480.504 - Other circumstances for use of other than full and open competition.
§ 1480.505 - Debarment and suspension.
§ 1480.504-1 - Set-asides for Indian economic enterprises.
§ 1480.504-2 - Other circumstances for use of other than full and open competition.
Subpart 1480.6 - Contract Requirements
§ 1480.601 - Subcontracting limitations.
§ 1480.602 - Performance and payment bonds.
Subpart 1480.7 - Contract Administration
§ 1480.701 - Contract administration requirements.
Subpart 1480.8 - Representation by an Indian Economic Enterprise Offeror
§ 1480.801 - General.
§ 1480.802 - Representation provision.
§ 1480.803 - Representation process.
Subpart 1480.9 - Challenges to Representation
§ 1480.901 - General.
§ 1480.902 - Receipt of challenge.
§ 1480.903 - Award in the face of challenge.
§ 1480.904 - Challenge not timely.