Part 231 - Clawbacks of Chips Funding

Subpart A - Definitions
§ 231.101 - Existing facility.
§ 231.102 - Foreign country of concern.
§ 231.103 - Foreign entity.
§ 231.104 - Foreign entity of concern.
§ 231.105 - Joint research.
§ 231.106 - Knowingly.
§ 231.107 - Legacy semiconductor.
§ 231.108 - Material expansion.
§ 231.109 - Members of the affiliated group.
§ 231.110 - Person.
§ 231.111 - Predominately serves the market.
§ 231.112 - Required agreement.
§ 231.113 - Research and development.
§ 231.114 - Secretary.
§ 231.115 - Semiconductor.
§ 231.116 - Semiconductor manufacturing.
§ 231.117 - Semiconductor manufacturing capacity.
§ 231.118 - Semiconductors critical to national security.
§ 231.119 - Significant renovations.
§ 231.120 - Technology licensing.
§ 231.121 - Technology or product that raises national security concerns.
Subpart B - General
§ 231.201 - Scope.
§ 231.202 - Prohibition on certain expansion transactions. (Expansion Clawback)
§ 231.203 - Prohibition on certain joint research or technology licensing. (Technology Clawback)
§ 231.204 - Additional conditions on certain joint research or technology licensing.
§ 231.205 - Retention of records.
Subpart C - Notification, Review, and Recovery
§ 231.301 - Procedures for notifying the Secretary of significant transactions.
§ 231.302 - Contents of notifications; certifications.
§ 231.303 - Response to notifications.
§ 231.304 - Initiation of review.
§ 231.305 - Procedures for review.
§ 231.306 - Mitigation of national security risks.
§ 231.307 - Review of actions that may violate the prohibition on certain joint research or technology licensing.
§ 231.308 - Recovery and other remedies.
Subpart D - Other Provisions
§ 231.401 - Amendment.
§ 231.402 - Submission of false information.
§ 231.403 - Severability.