Part 270 - National Construction Safety Teams

§ 270.0 - Purpose.
§ 270.3 - Energy-related invention evaluation request form.
§ 270.4 - Statement of nondisclosure forms.
§ 270.5 - Nondisclosure provisions for evaluation contracts.
§ 270.6 - Conflict of interest.
§ 270.7 - Restricted access to invention disclosures.
§ 270.8 - Review and evaluation.
§ 270.9 - Recommendations on invention disclosures.
Subpart A - General
§ 270.1 - Description of rule; purpose; applicability.
§ 270.2 - Definitions used in this part.
Subpart B - Establishment and Deployment of Teams
§ 270.100 - General.
§ 270.101 - Preliminary reconnaissance.
§ 270.102 - Conditions for establishment and deployment of a Team.
§ 270.103 - Publication in the Federal Register.
§ 270.104 - Size and composition of a Team.
§ 270.105 - Duties of a Team.
§ 270.106 - Conflicts of interest related to service on a Team.
Subpart C - Investigations
§ 270.200 - Technical conduct of investigation.
§ 270.201 - Priority of investigation.
§ 270.202 - Coordination with search and rescue efforts.
§ 270.203 - Coordination with Federal, State, and local entities.
§ 270.204 - Provision of additional resources and services needed by a Team.
§ 270.205 - Reports.
§ 270.206 - Public briefings and requests for information.
Subpart D - Collection and Preservation of Evidence; Information Created Pursuant to an Investigation; and Protection of Information
§ 270.300 - Scope.
§ 270.301 - Policy.
Information Created Pursuant to an Investigation
§ 270.340 - Information created by investigation participants who are not NIST employees.
Protection of Information
§ 270.350 - Freedom of Information Act.
§ 270.351 - Protection of voluntarily submitted information.
§ 270.352 - Public safety information.
Collection of Evidence
§ 270.310 - Evidence collected by investigation participants who are not NIST employees.
§ 270.311 - Collection of evidence.
§ 270.312 - Voluntary submission of evidence.
§ 270.313 - Requests for evidence.
§ 270.314 - Negotiations.
§ 270.315 - Subpoenas.
§ 270.316 - Public hearings.
Preservation of Evidence
§ 270.330 - Moving and preserving evidence.
Entry and Inspection
§ 270.320 - Entry and inspection of site where a building failure has occurred.
§ 270.321 - Entry and inspection of property where building components, materials, artifacts, and records with respect to a building failure are located.
§ 270.322 - Voluntary permission to enter and inspect property where building components, materials, artifacts, and records with respect to a building failure are located.
§ 270.323 - Requests for permission to enter and inspect property where building components, materials, artifacts, and records with respect to a building failure are located.
§ 270.324 - Negotiations.
§ 270.325 - Notice of authority to enter and inspect property where building components, materials, artifacts, and records with respect to a building failure are located.