§ 1599.10 - Damage to or loss of donated or procured commodities.  

Latest version.
  • § 1599.10 Claims for damage Damage to or loss of donated or procured commodities.


    (1) FAS will be responsible for

    claims arising out of damage to or loss of a quantity of

    the donated commodities prior to the transfer of title to the donated commodities


    to the recipient. The recipient will be responsible for the donated commodities following the transfer of title to the donated commodities to the recipient. The title will transfer as specified in the agreement.

    (2) A recipient will be responsible for

    claims arising out of damage

    the procured commodities following the transfer of title to the procured commodities from the commodity vendor(s) to the recipient. FAS may require the recipient to purchase transportation insurance against commodity loss or damage.

    (b) A recipient must inform FAS, in the manner and within the time period set forth in the agreement, of any damage to or loss of

    a quantity of

    the donated commodities


    or procured commodities that occurs following the transfer of title to the donated commodities or procured commodities to the recipient.

    (b) If a recipient has title to donated commodities that have been damaged or lost, and the value of the damaged or lost donated commodities is estimated to be in excess of $20,000, the recipient must:

    (1) Notify FAS immediately and provide detailed information about the circumstances surrounding such damage or loss, the

    The recipient must take all steps necessary to protect its interests and the interests of FAS with respect to any damage to or loss of the donated commodities or procured commodities that occurs after title has been transferred to the recipient.

    (c) A recipient will be responsible for arranging for an independent cargo surveyor to inspect the donated commodities, and any procured commodities transported by ocean, upon discharge from the ocean carrier and to prepare a survey or outturn report. The report must show the quantity and condition of the donated commodities or procured commodities discharged from the ocean carrier and must indicate the most likely cause of any damage noted in the report. The report must also indicate the time and place when the survey took place. All discharge surveys must be conducted contemporaneously with the discharge of the ocean carrier, unless FAS determines that failure to do so was justified under the circumstances. For donated commodities or procured commodities shipped on a through bill of lading, the recipient must also obtain a delivery survey. All surveys obtained by the recipient must, to the extent practicable, be conducted jointly by the surveyor, the recipient, and the carrier, and the survey report must be signed by all three parties. The recipient must obtain a copy of each discharge or delivery survey report within 45 days after the completion of the survey. The recipient must make each such report available to FAS upon request, or in the manner specified in the agreement. FAS will reimburse the recipient for the reasonable costs of these services, as determined by FAS, in the manner specified in the agreement.

    (d) When procured commodities are transported overland, the recipient will ensure that the overland transportation contract includes a requirement that a loading and offloading report be prepared and provided to the recipient. The report must show the quantity and condition of the procured commodities loaded on the overland conveyance, as well as the time and place that the loading and offloading occurred. The recipient must obtain a copy of the report from the overland transportation company within 45 days after the completion of the commodity delivery. The recipient must make each such report available to FAS upon request, or in the manner specified in the agreement. FAS will reimburse the recipient for the reasonable costs of these services, as determined by FAS, in the manner specified in the agreement.

    (e) If donated commodities or procured commodities are damaged or lost during the time that they are in the care of the ocean carrier or overland transportation company:

    (1) The recipient must ensure that any reports, narrative chronology, or other commentary prepared by the independent cargo surveyor, and any such documentation prepared by a port authority, stevedoring service, or customs official, or an official of the transit or target country government or the transportation company, are provided to FAS;

    (2) The recipient must provide to FAS the names and addresses of any individuals known to be present at the time of discharge or unloading, or during the survey, who can verify the quantity of damaged or lost donated commodities

    , and the value of the damage or loss

    or procured commodities;


    2) Promptly upon discovery of

    3) If the damage or loss

    , initiate a claim arising out of such damage or loss, including, if appropriate, initiating an action to collect pursuant to a commercial insurance contract;

    (3) Take all necessary action to pursue the claim diligently and within any applicable periods of limitations; and

    (4) Provide to FAS copies of all documentation relating to the claim.


    occurred with respect to a bulk shipment on an ocean carrier, the recipient must ensure that the independent cargo surveyor:

    (i) Observes the discharge of the cargo;

    (ii) Reports on discharging methods, including scale type, calibrations, and any other factors that may affect the accuracy of scale weights, and, if scales are not used, states the reason therefor and describes the actual method used to determine weight;

    (iii) Estimates the quantity of cargo, if any, lost during discharge through carrier negligence;

    (iv) Advises on the quality of sweepings;

    (v) Obtains copies of port or ocean carrier records, if possible, showing the quantity discharged; and

    (vi) Notifies the recipient immediately if the surveyor has reason to believe that the correct quantity was not discharged or if additional services are necessary to protect the cargo; and

    (4) If the damage or loss occurred with respect to a container shipment on an ocean carrier, the recipient must ensure that the independent cargo surveyor lists the container numbers and seal numbers shown on the containers, indicates whether the seals were intact at the time the containers were opened, and notes whether the containers were in any way damaged.

    (f) If a recipient has title to the donated commodities

    that have been damaged or lost, and the value of the damaged or lost donated commodities is estimated to be $20,000 or less, the recipient must notify FAS in accordance with the agreement and provide detailed information about the damage or loss in the next report required to be filed under § 1599.13(f)(1) or (2).


    (1) The value of a claim for lost donated commodities will

    or procured commodities, and commodities valued in excess of $5,000 are damaged at any time prior to their distribution or sale under the agreement, regardless of the party at fault, the recipient must immediately arrange for an inspection by a public health official or other competent authority approved by FAS and provide to FAS a certification by such public health official or other competent authority regarding the exact quantity and condition of the damaged donated commodities or procured commodities. The value of damaged donated commodities must be determined on the basis of the commodity acquisition, transportation, and related costs incurred by FAS with respect to such commodities, as well as such costs incurred by the recipient and paid by FAS.


    The value of

    a claim for



    procured commodities


    must be determined on the basis of the commodity acquisition, transportation, and related costs incurred by the recipient and paid by FAS with respect to such commodities

    , as well as such costs incurred by the recipient and paid by FAS, less any funds generated if such commodities are sold in accordance with § 1599.9(f)(1).

    (e) If FAS determines that a recipient has not initiated a claim or is not exercising due diligence in the pursuit of a claim, FAS may require the recipient to assign its rights to initiate or pursue the claim to FAS. Failure by the recipient to initiate a claim or exercise due diligence in the pursuit of a claim will be considered by FAS during the review of applications for subsequent food assistance awards.


    (1) A recipient may retain any funds obtained as a result of a claims collection action initiated by it in accordance with this section, or recovered pursuant to any insurance policy or other similar form of indemnification, but such funds must be expended in accordance with the agreement or for other purposes approved in advance by FAS.

    (2) FAS will retain any funds obtained as a result of a claims collection action initiated by it under this section; provided, however, that if the recipient paid for the transportation of the donated commodities or a portion thereof, FAS will use a portion of such funds to reimburse the recipient for such expense on a prorated basis

    . The recipient must inform FAS of the results of the inspection and indicate whether the damaged donated commodities or procured commodities are:

    (1) Fit for the use authorized in the agreement and, if so, whether there has been a diminution in quality; or

    (2) Unfit for the use authorized in the agreement.


    (1) If a recipient has title to the donated commodities or procured commodities, the recipient must arrange for the recovery of that portion of the donated commodities or procured commodities designated as fit for the use authorized in the agreement. The recipient must dispose of donated commodities or procured commodities that are unfit for such use in the following order of priority:

    (i) Sale for the most appropriate use, i.e., animal feed, fertilizer, industrial use, or another use approved by FAS, at the highest obtainable price;

    (ii) Donation to a governmental or charitable organization for use as animal feed or another non-food use; or

    (iii) Destruction of the donated commodities or procured commodities if they are unfit for any use, in such manner as to prevent their use for any purpose.

    (2) A recipient must arrange for all U.S. Government markings to be obliterated or removed before the donated commodities or procured commodities are transferred by sale or donation under paragraph (g)(1) of this section.

    (h) A recipient may retain any proceeds generated by the disposal of the donated commodities or procured commodities in accordance with paragraph (g)(1) of this section and must use the retained proceeds for expenses related to the disposal of the donated commodities or procured commodities and for activities specified in the agreement.

    (i) A recipient must notify FAS immediately and provide detailed information about the actions taken in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section, including the quantities, values, and dispositions of donated commodities or procured commodities determined to be unfit.