§ 1599.13 - Monitoring and evaluation requirements.  

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  • § 1599.13 Reporting Monitoring and record keeping evaluation requirements.

    (a) A recipient must comply with the performance and financial monitoring and reporting requirements in the agreement and 2 CFR 200.327 through 200.329. will be responsible for designing a performance monitoring plan for the project, obtaining written approval of the plan from FAS before putting it into effect, and managing and implementing the plan, unless otherwise specified in the agreement.

    (b) A recipient must submit financial reports to FAS, by the dates and for the reporting periods establish baseline values, annual targets, and life of activity targets for each performance indicator included in the recipient's approved performance monitoring plan, unless otherwise specified in the agreement. Such reports must provide an accurate accounting of sale proceeds, FAS-provided funds, interest, program income, and voluntary committed cost sharing or matching contributions.



    A recipient must

    submit performance reports to

    inform FAS,


    in the


    manner and


    within the

    reporting periods

    time period specified in the agreement

    . These reports must include the information required in 2 CFR 200.328(b)(2), including additional pertinent information regarding the recipient's progress, measured against established indicators, baselines, and targets, towards achieving the expected results specified in

    , of any problems, delays, or adverse conditions that materially impair the recipient's ability to meet the objectives of the agreement. This


    notification must include

    , for each performance indicator, a comparison of actual accomplishments with the baseline and the targets established for the period. When actual accomplishments deviate significantly from targeted goals, the recipient must provide an explanation in the report.

    (2) A recipient must ensure the accuracy and reliability of the performance data submitted to FAS in performance reports. At any time during the period of performance of the agreement, FAS may review the recipient's performance data to determine whether it is accurate and reliable. The recipient must comply with all requests made by FAS or an entity designated by FAS in relation to such reviews.

    (d) Baseline, interim, and final evaluation reports are required for all agreements

    a statement of any corrective actions taken or contemplated by the recipient, and any additional assistance requested from FAS to resolve the situation.

    (d) A recipient will be responsible for designing an evaluation plan for the project, obtaining written approval of the plan from FAS before putting it into effect, and arranging for an independent third party to implement the evaluation, unless otherwise specified in the agreement. The reports must be submitted in accordance with the timeline in the FAS-approved evaluation plan. Evaluation reports submitted to FAS may be made public in an effort to increase accountability and transparency and share lessons learned and best practices.

    (e) A recipient must, within 30 days after export of all or a portion of the donated commodities, submit evidence of such export to FAS, in the manner set forth in the agreement. The evidence may be submitted through an electronic media approved by FAS or by providing the carrier's on board bill of lading. The evidence of export must show the kind and quantity of commodities exported, the date of export, and the country where the commodities will be delivered. The date of export is the date that the ocean carrier carrying the donated commodities sails from the final U.S. load port.


    (1) A recipient must submit reports to FAS, using a form prescribed by FAS, covering the receipt, handling, and disposition of the donated commodities. Such reports must be submitted to FAS, by the dates and for the reporting periods specified in the agreement, until all of the donated commodities have been distributed, sold or bartered and such disposition has been reported to FAS.

    (2) If the agreement authorizes the sale or barter of donated commodities, the recipient must submit to FAS, using a form prescribed by FAS, reports covering the receipt and use of the sale proceeds when the donated commodities were sold, the goods and services derived from barter when the donated commodities were bartered, and program income. Such reports must be submitted to FAS, by the dates and for the reporting periods specified in the agreement, until all of the sale proceeds and program income have been disbursed and reported to FAS. When reporting financial information, the recipient must include the amounts in U.S. dollars and the exchange rate if proceeds are held in local currency.

    (g) If requested by FAS, a recipient must provide to FAS additional information or reports relating to the agreement.

    (h) If a recipient requires an extension of a reporting deadline, it must ensure that FAS receives an extension request at least five business days prior to the reporting deadline. FAS may decline to consider a request for an extension that it receives after this time period. FAS will consider requests for reporting deadline extensions on a case by case basis and make a decision based on the merits of each request. FAS will consider factors such as unforeseen or extenuating circumstances and past performance history when evaluating requests for extensions.

    (i) A recipient must retain records and permit access to records in accordance with the requirements of 2 CFR 200.333 through 200.337. The date of submission of the final expenditure report, as referenced in 2 CFR 200.333, will be the final date of submission of the reports required by paragraphs (f)(1) and (2) of this section, as prescribed by FAS. The recipient must retain copies of and make available to FAS all sales receipts, contracts, or other documents related to the sale or barter of donated commodities and any goods or services derived from such barter, as well as records of dispatch received from ocean carriers.

    This evaluation plan will detail the evaluation purpose and scope, key evaluation questions, evaluation methodology, time frame, evaluation management, and cost. This plan will generally be based upon the evaluation plan that the recipient submitted to FAS as part of its application, pursuant to § 1599.4(b)(6), unless the notice of funding opportunity specified that an evaluation plan was not required to be included in the application. The recipient must ensure that the evaluation plan:

    (1) Is designed using the most rigorous methodology that is appropriate and feasible, taking into account available resources, strategy, current knowledge and evaluation practices in the sector, and the implementing environment;

    (2) Is designed to inform management, activity implementation, and strategic decision-making;

    (3) Utilizes analytical approaches and methodologies, based on the questions to be addressed, project design, budgetary resources available, and level of rigor and evidence required, which may be implemented through methods such as case studies, surveys, quasi-experimental designs, randomized field experiments, cost-effectiveness analyses, implementation reviews, or a combination of methods;

    (4) Adheres to generally accepted evaluation standards and principles;

    (5) Uses participatory approaches that seek to include the perspectives of diverse parties and all relevant stakeholders; and

    (6) Where possible, utilizes local consultants and seeks to build local capacity in evaluation.


    (1) Unless otherwise provided in the agreement, a recipient must arrange for evaluations of the project to be conducted by an independent third party that:

    (i) Is financially and legally separate from the recipient's organization; and

    (ii) Has staff with demonstrated methodological, cultural, and language competencies, and specialized experience in conducting evaluations of international development programs involving agriculture, trade, education, and nutrition, provided that FAS may determine that, for a particular agreement, the staff of the independent third party evaluator is not required to have specialized experience in conducting evaluations of programs involving one or more of these four areas.

    (2) A recipient must provide a written certification to FAS that there is no real or apparent conflict of interest on the part of any recipient staff member or third party entity designated or hired to play a substantive role in the evaluation of activities under the agreement.

    (f) FAS will be considered a key stakeholder in all evaluations conducted as part of the agreement.


    (1) A recipient is responsible for establishing the required financial and human capital resources for monitoring and evaluation of activities under the agreement. The recipient must maintain a separate budget for monitoring and evaluation, with separate budget line items for dedicated recipient monitoring and evaluation staff and independent third party evaluation contracts.

    (2) Personnel at the recipient's headquarters offices and field offices with specialized expertise and experience in monitoring and evaluation may be used by the recipient for dedicated monitoring and evaluation. Unless otherwise specified in the agreement or approved evaluation plan, all evaluations must be managed by the recipient's evaluation experts outside of the recipient's line management for the activities.

    (h) FAS may independently conduct or commission an evaluation of a single agreement or an evaluation that includes multiple agreements. A recipient must cooperate, and comply with any demands for information or materials made in connection, with any evaluation conducted or commissioned by FAS. Such evaluations may be conducted by FAS internally or by an FAS-hired external evaluation contractor.