§ 301.30 - [Reserved]  

Latest version.
  • (a) The applicable parts of the information required with respect to the fur to appear on labels affixed to fur products shall be set out in the following sequence:

    (1) That the fur product contains or is composed of natural, pointed, bleached, dyed, tip-dyed or otherwise artificially colored fur, when such is the fact;

    (2) That the fur product contains fur which has been sheared, plucked, or letout, when such is the fact;

    (3) That the fur contained in the fur product originated in a particular country (when so used the name of the country should be stated in the adjective form), when such is the fact;

    (4) The name or names (as set forth in the Fur Products Name Guide) of the animal or animals that produced the fur;

    (5) That the fur product is composed in whole of backs or in whole or in substantial part of paws, tails, bellies, sides flanks, gills, ears, throats, heads, scrap pieces, or waste fur, when such is the fact;

    (6) The name of the country of origin of any imported furs used in the fur product;

    (7) Any other information required or permitted by the Act and regulations with respect to the fur.

    Note: The information set out in paragraphs (a) (2) and (3) of this section and the term backs set out in paragraph (a)(5) of this section are not mandatory, but when and if used, shall be set out in the sequence noted.

    (b) That part of the required information with respect to the name or registered identification number of the manufacturer or dealer may precede or follow the required information set out in paragraph (a) of this section.

    [17 FR 6075, July 8, 1952, as amended at 26 FR 3187, Apr. 14, 1961]