§ 1625.7 - Pre-hearing procedures.  

Latest version.
  • (a)(1) On or before the date it requests a hearing, the recipient may serve a motion for an interim decision that the notice fails to state an adequate basis for the denial of its application for refunding. The hearing examiner shall rule on such motion within 7 days and shall grant the motion if he or she finds that the facts sworn to in the notice do not provide an adequate basis to deny the application for refunding.

    (2) If the recipient fails to make a request for hearing in such a timely fashion that it is received by the Corporation within 30 days of receipt of the notice by the recipient, the recipient shall be deemed to have waived its right to a hearing and a final decision shall be entered by the President.

    (3) If the recipient makes timely request for a hearing, the hearing examiner may, sua sponte or on the motion of a party, review the notice, the request for a hearing, and all documents submitted by the recipient pursuant to requirement(s) issued pursuant to § 1625.4(f) to determine before the date set for the hearing whether there is any genuine issue as to any material fact and whether a party is entitled to summary judgment or partial summary judgment as a matter of law. If, considering the papers in the light most favorable to the opposing party, the hearing examiner finds that the parties’ submissions, admissions on file, affidavits, and any other matter on the record show that there is no genuine issues as to any material fact and that either party is entitled to summary judgment as a matter of law, the hearing examiner shall issue to the President a written initial decision pursuant to § 1625.10(b). If such a decision with a partial summary judgment should become final pursuant to § 1625.11, the hearing examiner may exclude further evidence relevant only to an issue or issues resolved by such decision.

    (b) If the recipient makes a timely request for a hearing, a pre-hearing conference shall be held within 7 days. At least 24 hours prior to the pre-hearing conference, each party shall cause to be delivered in person to the hearing examiner and counsel for the opposing party a list including all its affiants it intends to call for direct testimony, all the other party's affiants it will require the party to produce for cross-examination, and all other persons who are to testify on direct or cross-examination. For each person on its list, the party will indicate whether the person will be called for direct testimony or for cross-examination and whether the party will require the opposing party to produce the witness (and, if so, the basis). At the pre-hearing conference, the matters to be considered shall include:

    (1) Whether summary judgment or partial summary judgment ought to be issued;

    (2) Proposals to define and narrow the issues;

    (3) Efforts to stipulate the facts, in whole or in part;

    (4) The order of presentation of exhibits and witnesses, along with their number and identity;

    (5) The possibility of presenting the case on written submission or oral argument;

    (6) Any necessary variation in the date, time, and place of the hearing;

    (7) The possibility of settlement; and

    (8) Such other matters as may be appropriate.

    (c) (1) The hearing examiner may establish specific procedures consistent with this part for conduct of the show cause hearing.

    (2) The hearing examiner may require or permit written submission of additional statements discussing any matter described in paragraph (b) of this section as well as any other arguments and supporting material at any time prior to completion of the show cause hearing.

    (3) The hearing examiner may issue appropriate protective orders to prohibit the parties from disseminating evidence to other than specifically named individuals or such other restrictions as may be necessary to protect client confidences.

    (4) The hearing examiner may not consider any issue not necessary for a determination of whether the recipient's refunding application will be denied.

    (5) The only two parties to the proceeding will be the Corporation and the recipient; provided, however, that a state support center which is a subgrantee or a subrecipient as of the time of the effective date of this regulation may be joined as a party by the hearing examiner but only during the remaining term of such existing subgrant or other agreement.

    (6) The hearing examiner shall require each party to make arrangements for the testimony and cross-examination of the witnesses and affiants it will rely upon and bear the expenses associated with the testimony.

    (d)(1) The hearing examiner may, at any time prior to the completion of the hearing, require either party, upon sufficient notice, to produce a relevant document in its possession, custody or control; the hearing examiner may require either party to produce a person in its employ to testify at the hearing.

    (2) The hearing examiner shall not issue such requirements at the request of the Corporation's counsel if request is not made within seven days of the Corporation's receipt of the request for a hearing, or at the request of the recipient, if request is not made at or before the time it makes a request for a hearing, unless the requesting party can show that it could not have anticipated its need to request the requirement and failure to issue the requirement would cause a manifest injustice.

    (3) In proceedings under § 1625.3(d), the hearing examiner may likewise require the Corporation to produce a document in the possession, custody or control of another organization identified pursuant to § 1625.4(a)(2) or a person in the employ of such other organization, subject to the sanctions set forth in § 1625.8(f).

    (4) The hearing examiner shall rule on motions respecting requirements for the production of documents or witnesses within 7 days.