§ 200.80e - Appendix E - Schedule of fees for records services.  

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  • § 200.80e Appendix E - Schedule of fees for records services.

    The requester will be charged search, review, and duplication fees according to his or her fee category. In addition, the SEC will charge the requester for any special handling or services performed in processing the request and/or appeal. Duplication fees also are applicable to records provided in response to requests made under the Privacy Act. Fees will not be charged under either the FOIA or the Privacy Act where the costs of collecting and processing the fee are likely to equal or exceed the amount of the fee or where the requester has met the requirements for a statutory fee waiver. Fees will be determined as follows:

    Search and review services (review applies to commercial-use requesters only): (1) The Commission will establish and charge average rates for the groups of grades typically involved in search and review. Those groups will consist of employees at:

    (i) Grades SK-8 or below;

    (ii) Grades SK-9 to SK-13; and

    (iii) Grades SK-14 or above.

    (2) The average rates will be based on the hourly salary (i.e., basic salary plus locality payment), plus 16 percent for benefits, of employees who routinely perform those services. Fees will be charged in quarter-hour increments. The average hourly rates are listed on the Commission's Web site at http://www.sec.gov/foia/feesche.htm and will be updated as salaries change.

    Attestation with Commission seal: $4.00

    Duplication services: The following duplication services are available. The stated time for delivery in each case begins to run only after receipt of the material by the contractor; if files cannot immediately be made available by the Commission, the time of shipment will be affected.

    Regular service. Paper copies of original paper copies, or from microfiche accessible to the contractor, will be shipped within seven calendar days after the contractor receives the order and material at $0.24 per page, exclusive of any applicable shipment cost and sales taxes.

    Other services. The Commission's dissemination contractor also provides a wide range of additional regulated dissemination services through the Commission's public reference room. Two offsite services also are provided at prices that are regulated: microfiche subscriptions and watch services. Information concerning the availability of all dissemination services may be obtained by writing to the Commission's public reference room located at 100 F Street, NE., Washington, DC 20549 or calling 202-551-8090. Copies made pursuant to requests submitted to the Commission's public reference room will be filled by the contractor and sent directly to the purchaser, unless attestation is requested. The contractor will bill the purchaser directly for the cost of copies plus postage or other delivery charges, and applicable taxes. Purchasers shall make full payment directly to the contractor for these services. Search, review or attestation charges will be billed separately by the Commission.

    [52 FR 24148, June 29, 1987; 52 FR 48193, Dec. 21, 1987, as amended at 55 FR 41189, Oct. 10, 1990; 57 FR 48970, Oct. 29, 1992; 58 FR 64120, Dec. 6, 1993; 73 FR 32225, June 5, 2008; 80 FR 41435, July 15, 2015]