Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 17 - Commodity and Securities Exchanges |
Chapter II - Securities and Exchange Commission |
Registered Investment Companies and Business Development Companies |
§ 210.6-10 - What schedules are to be filed.
§ 210.6-10 What schedules are to be filed.
(a) When information is required in schedules for both the person and its subsidiaries consolidated, it may be presented in the form of a single schedule, provided that items pertaining to the registrant are separately shown and that such single schedule affords a properly summarized presentation of the facts. If the information required by any schedule
including the notes thereto) is shown in the related financial statement or in a note thereto without making such statement unclear or confusing, that procedure may be followed and the schedule omitted.(
(b) The schedules shall be examined by an independent accountant if the related financial statements are so examined.
(c) Management investment companies.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in the applicable form, the schedules specified in this paragraph shall be filed for management investment companies as of the dates of the most recent audited balance sheet and any subsequent unaudited statement being filed for each person or group.
I - InvestmentsSchedule
12-12I—Investments in securities of unaffiliated issuers. The schedule prescribed by § 210.
12–12 shall be filed in support of caption 1 of each balance sheet.
II - Investments - other than securitiesSchedule
12-13II—Investments in and advances to affiliates. The schedule prescribed by § 210.
312–14 shall be filed in support of caption
This schedule may be omitted if the investments, other than securities, at both the beginning and end of the period amount to less than one percent of the value of total investments (§ 210.6-04.4). Schedule III - Investments in and advances to affiliates.2 of each balance sheet.
Schedule III—Investments—securities sold short. The schedule prescribed by § 210.12–12A shall be filed in support of caption 9(a) of each balance sheet.
Schedule IV—Open option contracts written. The schedule prescribed by § 210.12–13 shall be filed in support of caption 9(b) of each balance sheet.
Schedule V—Open futures contracts. The schedule prescribed by § 210.12–13A shall be filed in support of captions 3(a) and 9(c) of each balance sheet.
12-14Schedule VI—Open forward foreign currency contracts. The schedule prescribed by § 210.
caption 212–13B shall be filed in support of
captions 3(b) and 9(d) of each balance sheet.
IV - Investments - securities sold shortSchedule
12-12AVII—Open swap contracts. The schedule prescribed by § 210.
caption 1012–13C shall be filed in support of
acaptions 3(
c) and 9(e) of each balance sheet.
V - Open option contracts written.Schedule
12-12BVIII—Investments—other than those presented in §§ 210.12–12, 12–12A, 12–12B, 12–13, 12–13A, 12–13B and 12–13C. The schedule prescribed by § 210.
caption 1012–13D shall be filed in support of
bcaptions 3(
d) and 9(f) of each balance sheet.
(2) When permitted by the applicable form, the schedule specified in this paragraph may be filed for management investment companies as of the dates of the most recent audited balance sheet and any subsequent unaudited statement being filed for each person or group.
VI - SummarySchedule
12-12CIX—Summary schedule of investments in securities of unaffiliated issuers. The schedule prescribed by § 210.
12–12B may be filed in support of caption 1 of each balance sheet.
(d) Unit investment trusts. Except as otherwise provided in the applicable form:
(1) Schedules I and II, specified below in this section, shall be filed for unit investment trusts as of the dates of the most recent audited balance sheet and any subsequent unaudited statement being filed for each person or group.
(2) Schedule III, specified below in this section, shall be filed for unit investment trusts for each period for which a statement of operations is required to be filed for each person or group.
I - InvestmentSchedule
12-126-04I—Investment in securities. The schedule prescribed by § 210.
II - AllocationSchedule
II—Allocation of trust assets to series of trust shares. If the trust assets are specifically allocated to different series of trust shares, and if such allocation is not shown in the balance sheet in columnar form or by the filing of separate statements for each series of trust shares, a schedule shall be filed showing the amount of trust assets, indicated by each balance sheet filed, which is applicable to each series of trust shares.
III - AllocationSchedule
III—Allocation of trust income and distributable funds to series of trust shares. If the trust income and distributable funds are specifically allocated to different series of trust shares and if such allocation is not shown in the statement of operations in columnar form or by the filing of separate statements for each series of trust shares, a schedule shall be submitted showing the amount of income and distributable funds, indicated by each statement of operations filed, which is applicable to each series of trust shares.
I - Investment(e) Face-amount certificate investment companies. Except as otherwise provided in the applicable form:
(1) Schedules I, V and X, specified below, shall be filed for face-amount certificate investment companies as of the dates of the most recent audited balance sheet and any subsequent unaudited statement being filed for each person or group.
(2) All other schedules specified below in this section shall be filed for face-amount certificate investment companies for each period for which a statement of operations is filed, except as indicated for Schedules III and IV.
12-21I—Investment in securities of unaffiliated issuers. The schedule prescribed by § 210.
II - Investments12–21 shall be filed in support of caption 1 and, if applicable, caption 5(a) of each balance sheet. Separate schedules shall be furnished in support of each caption, if applicable.
12-22II—Investments in and advances to affiliates and income thereon. The schedule prescribed by § 210.
III - Mortgage12–22 shall be filed in support of captions 1 and 5(b) of each balance sheet and caption 1 of each statement of operations. Separate schedules shall be furnished in support of each caption, if applicable.
12-23III—Mortgage loans on real estate and interest earned on mortgages. The schedule prescribed by § 210.
column12–23 shall be filed in support of captions 1 and 5(c) of each balance sheet and caption 1 of each statement of operations, except that only the information required by
IV - RealColumn G and note 8 of the schedule need be furnished in support of statements of operations for years for which related balance sheets are not required.
12-24IV—Real estate owned and rental income. The schedule prescribed by § 210.
columns12–24 shall be filed in support of captions 1 and 5(a) of each balance sheet and caption 1 of each statement of operations for rental income included therein, except that only the information required by
V - QualifiedColumns H, I and J, and item “Rent from properties sold during the period” and note 4 of the schedule need be furnished in support of statements of operations for years for which related balance sheets are not required.
12-276-06V—Qualified assets on deposit. The schedule prescribed by § 210.
VI - Certificate6–06 as to total amount of qualified assets on deposit.
12-26VI—Certificate reserves. The schedule prescribed by § 210.
VII - Valuation12–26 shall be filed in support of caption 7 of each balance sheet.
12-09VII—Valuation and qualifying accounts. The schedule prescribed by § 210.
12–09 shall be filed in support of all other reserves included in the balance sheet.
[47 81 FR 5683882013, DecNov. 21, 1982, as amended at 59 FR 65636, Dec. 20, 1994; 69 FR 11262, Mar. 9, 200418, 2016]