§ 228.503 - (Item 503) Summary information and risk factors.  

Latest version.
  • The small business issuer must furnish the following information in plain English. See § 230.421(d) of Regulation C of this chapter.

    (a) Summary. Provide a summary of the information in the prospectus where the length or complexity of the prospectus makes a summary useful. The summary should be brief. The summary should not contain, and is not required to contain, all of the detailed information in the prospectus. If you provide summary business or financial information, even if you do not caption it as a summary, you still must provide that information in plain English.

    (b) Address and phone number. Include, either on the cover page or in the summary section of the prospectus, the complete mailing address and telephone number of your principal executive offices.

    (c) Risk factors. (1) Discuss in a section captioned “Risk Factors” any factors that make the offering speculative or risky. The factors may include, among other things, the following:

    (i) Your lack of an operating history;

    (ii) Your lack of recent profits from operations;

    (iii) Your poor financial position;

    (iv) Your business or proposed business; or

    (v) The lack of a market for your common equity securities.

    (2) The risk factor discussion must immediately follow the summary section. If you do not include a summary section, the risk factor discussion must immediately follow the cover page or the pricing information that immediately follows the cover page. Pricing information means price and price-related information that you may omit from the prospectus in an effective registration statement based on § 230.430A(a) of this chapter.