Part 10 - Rules of Practice  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 10.1 - Scope and applicability of rules of practice.
§ 10.2 - Definitions.
§ 10.3 - Suspension, amendment, revocation and waiver of rules.
§ 10.4 - Business address; hours.
§ 10.5 - Computation of time.
§ 10.6 - Changes in time permitted for filing.
§ 10.7 - Date of entry of orders.
§ 10.8 - Presiding officers.
§ 10.9 - Separation of functions.
§ 10.10 - Ex parte communications.
§ 10.11 - Appearance in adjudicatory proceedings.
§ 10.12 - Service and filing of documents; form and execution.
Subpart B - Institution of Adjudica- tory Proceedings; Pleadings; Motions
§ 10.21 - Commencement of the proceeding.
§ 10.22 - Complaint and notice of hearing.
§ 10.23 - Answer.
§ 10.24 - Amendments and supplemental pleadings.
§ 10.25 - Form of pleadings.
§ 10.26 - Motions and other papers.
Subpart C - Parties and Limited Participation
§ 10.31 - Parties.
§ 10.32 - Substitution of parties.
§ 10.33 - Intervention as a party.
§ 10.34 - Limited participation.
§ 10.35 - Permission to state views.
§ 10.36 - Commission review of rulings.
Subpart D - Prehearing Procedures; Prehearing Conferences; Discovery; Depositions
§ 10.41 - Prehearing conferences; procedural matters.
§ 10.42 - Discovery.
§ 10.43 - Stipulations.
§ 10.44 - Depositions and interrogatories.
Subpart E - Hearings
§ 10.61 - Time and place of hearing.
§ 10.62 - Appearances.
§ 10.63 - Consolidation; separate hearings.
§ 10.64 - Public hearings.
§ 10.65 - Record of hearing.
§ 10.66 - Conduct of the hearing.
§ 10.67 - Evidence.
§ 10.68 - Subpoenas.
§ 10.69 - Reopening hearings.
Subpart F - Post Hearing Procedures; Initial Decisions
§ 10.81 - Filing the transcript of evidence.
§ 10.82 - Proposed findings and conclusions; briefs.
§ 10.83 - Oral arguments.
§ 10.84 - Initial decision.
Subpart G - Disposition Without Full Hearing
§ 10.91 - Summary disposition.
§ 10.92 - Shortened procedure.
§ 10.93 - Obtaining default order.
§ 10.94 - Setting aside of default.
Subpart H - Appeals to the Commission; Settlements
§ 10.101 - Interlocutory appeals.
§ 10.102 - Review of initial decisions.
§ 10.103 - Oral argument before the Commission.
§ 10.104 - Scope of review; Commission decision.
§ 10.105 - Review by Commission on its own initiative.
§ 10.106 - Reconsideration; stay pending judicial review.
§ 10.107 - Leave to adduce additional evidence.
§ 10.108 - Settlements.
§ 10.109 - Delegation of authority to Chief of the Opinions Section.
Subpart I - Restitution Orders
§ 10.110 - Basis for issuance of restitution orders.
§ 10.111 - Recommendation of procedure for implementing restitution.
§ 10.112 - Administration of restitution.
§ 10.113 - Right to challenge distribution of funds to customers.
§ 10.114 - Acceleration of establishment of restitution procedure.
Appendix A to Part 10 - Commission Policy Relating to the Acceptance of Settlements in Administrative and Civil Proceedings