Part 50 - Clearing Requirement and Related Rules  

Subpart A - Definitions and Clearing Requirement
§ 50.1 - Definitions.
§ 50.2 - Treatment of swaps subject to a clearing requirement.
§ 50.3 - Notice to the public.
§ 50.4 - Classes of swaps required to be cleared.
§ 50.5 - Swaps exempt from a clearing requirement.
§ 50.6 - Delegation of Authority.
§ 50.10 - Prevention of evasion of the clearing requirement and abuse of an exception or exemption to the clearing requirement.
§§ 50.11--50.24 - [Reserved]
§§ 50.7--50.9 - [Reserved]
Subpart B - Clearing Requirement Compliance Schedule and Compliance Dates
§ 50.25 - Clearing requirement compliance schedule.
§ 50.26 - Swap clearing requirement compliance dates.
§§ 50.26--50.49 - [Reserved]
§§ 50.27--50.49 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Exceptions and Exemptions from the Clearing Requirement
§ 50.50 - Non-financial end-user exception to the clearing requirement.
§ 50.51 - Cooperatives exempt from the clearing requirement.
§ 50.52 - Affiliated entities exempt from the clearing requirement.
§ 50.53 - xxx
Subpart D - Swaps Not Subject to the Clearing Requirement
§ 50.75 - Swaps entered into by central banks or sovereign entities.
§ 50.76 - Swaps entered into by international financial institutions.
§ 50.77 - Interest rate swaps entered into by community development financial institutions.
§ 50.78 - Swaps entered into by bank holding companies.
§ 50.79 - Swaps entered into by savings and loan holding companies.