Part 23 - Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants  

Subpart A - XXX
Subpart B - Registration
§ 23.21 - Registration of swap dealers and major swap participants.
§ 23.22 - Prohibition against statutory disqualification in the case of an associated person of a swap dealer or major swap participant.
§ 23.23 - xxx
§§ 23.23--23.40 - [Reserved]
§§ 23.24--23.40 - [Reserved]
Subpart E - Capital and Margin Requirements for Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants
§ 23.100 - xxx
§ 23.101 - xxx
§ 23.102 - xxx
§ 23.103 - xxx
§ 23.104 - xxx
§ 23.105 - xxx
§ 23.106 - xxx
§§ 23.100--23.149 - [Reserved]
§ 23.150 - Scope.
§ 23.151 - Definitions applicable to margin requirements.
§ 23.152 - Collection and posting of initial margin.
§ 23.153 - Collection and posting of variation margin.
§ 23.154 - Calculation of initial margin.
§ 23.155 - Calculation of variation margin.
§ 23.156 - Forms of margin.
§ 23.157 - Custodial arrangements.
§ 23.158 - Margin documentation.
§ 23.159 - Special rules for affiliates.
§ 23.160 - Cross-border application.
§ 23.161 - Compliance dates.
Appendix A to Subpart E - XXX
Appendix B to Subpart E - XXX
Appendix C to Subpart E - XXX
Appendix A to Subpart E of Part 23 - Application for Internal Models To Compute Market Risk Exposure Requirement and Credit Risk Exposure Requirement
Appendix B to Subpart E of Part 23 - Swap Dealer and Major Swap Participant Position Information
Appendix C to Subpart E of Part 23 - Financial Reports and Specific Position Information for Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants Subject to the Capital Requirements of a Prudential Regulator
§§ 23.162--23.199 - [Reserved]
§§ 23.107--23.149 - [Reserved]
Subpart F - Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Daily Trading Records Requirements for Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants
§ 23.200 - Definitions.
§ 23.201 - Required records.
§ 23.202 - Daily trading records.
§ 23.203 - Records; retention and inspection.
§ 23.204 - Reports to swap data repositories.
§ 23.205 - Real-time public reporting.
§ 23.206 - Delegation of authority to the Director of the Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight to establish an alternative compliance schedule to comply with daily trading records.
Subpart H - Business Conduct Standards for Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants Dealing With Counterparties, Including Special Entities
§ 23.400 - Scope.
§ 23.401 - Definitions.
§ 23.402 - General provisions.
§ 23.410 - Prohibition on fraud, manipulation, and other abusive practices.
§ 23.430 - Verification of counterparty eligibility.
§ 23.431 - Disclosures of material information.
§ 23.432 - Clearing disclosures.
§ 23.433 - Communications - fair dealing.
§ 23.434 - Recommendations to counterparties - institutional suitability.
§ 23.440 - Requirements for swap dealers acting as advisors to Special Entities.
§ 23.450 - Requirements for swap dealers and major swap participants acting as counterparties to Special Entities.
§ 23.451 - Political contributions by certain swap dealers.
Appendix A to Subpart H of Part 23 - Guidance on the Application of §§ 23.434 and 23.440 for Swap Dealers That Make Recommendations to Counterparties or Special Entities
Appendix A to Subpart H to Part 23 - Guidance on the Application of §§ 23.434 and 23.440 for Swap Dealers That Make Recommendations to Counterparties or Special Entities
§§ 23.411--23.429 - [Reserved]
§§ 23.441--23.449 - [Reserved]
§§ 23.403--23.409 - [Reserved]
§§ 23.435--23.439 - [Reserved]
Subpart I - Swap Documentation
§ 23.500 - Definitions.
§ 23.501 - Swap confirmation.
§ 23.502 - Portfolio reconciliation.
§ 23.503 - Portfolio compression.
§ 23.504 - Swap trading relationship documentation.
§§ 23.500--23.505 - [Reserved]
§ 23.505 - End user exception documentation.
§ 23.506 - Swap processing and clearing.
Part 23, Subpart I, Appendix 1 - Exhibits A-D
Subpart J - Duties of Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants
§ 23.600 - Risk Management Program for swap dealers and major swap participants.
§ 23.601 - Monitoring of position limits.
§ 23.602 - Diligent supervision.
§ 23.603 - Business continuity and disaster recovery.
§ 23.604 - [Reserved]
§ 23.605 - Conflicts of interest policies and procedures.
§ 23.606 - General information: availability for disclosure and inspection.
§ 23.607 - Antitrust considerations.
§ 23.608 - Restrictions on counterparty clearing relationships.
§ 23.609 - Clearing member risk management.
§ 23.610 - Clearing member acceptance for clearing.
§ 23.611 - Delegation of authority to the Director of the Division of Clearing and Risk to establish an alternative compliance schedule to comply with clearing member acceptance for clearing.
Appendix A to Subpart H - Guidance on the Application of §§ 23.434 and 23.440 for Swap Dealers That Make Recommendations to Counterparties or Special Entities
Subpart K - XXX
Subpart L - Segregation of Assets Held as Collateral in Uncleared Swap Transactions
§ 23.700 - Definitions.
§ 23.701 - Notification of right to segregation.
§ 23.702 - Requirements for segregated initial margin.
§ 23.703 - Investment of segregated initial margin.
§ 23.704 - Requirements for non-segregated margin.
Appendix A to Part 23 - Guidance on the Application of §§23.434 and 23.440 for Swap Dealers That Make Recommendations to Counterparties or Special Entities
§§ 23.1--23.20 - [Reserved]