Part 401 - Rules of Practice and Procedure  

§ 401.0 - Introduction.
Subpart A - Comprehensive Plan
§ 401.1 - Scope.
§ 401.2 - Concept of the plan.
§ 401.3 - Other agencies.
§ 401.4 - Project applications and proposed revisions and changes.
§ 401.5 - Review of applications.
§ 401.6 - Proposed revisions and changes.
§ 401.7 - Further action.
§ 401.8 - Public projects under Article 11 of the Compact.
§ 401.9 - Custody and availability.
Subpart B - Water Resources Program
§ 401.21 - Scope.
§ 401.22 - Concept of the Program.
§ 401.23 - Procedure.
§ 401.24 - Preparation and adoption.
§ 401.25 - Alternatives for public projects.
§ 401.26 - Inventory of other projects.
Subpart C - Project Review Under Section 3.8 of the Compact
§ 401.31 - Scope.
§ 401.32 - Concept of 3.8.
§ 401.33 - Administrative agreements.
§ 401.34 - Submission of project required.
§ 401.35 - Classification of projects for review under Section 3.8 of the Compact.
§ 401.36 - Water supply projects - Conservation requirements.
§ 401.37 - Sequence of approval.
§ 401.38 - Form of referral by State or Federal agency.
§ 401.39 - Form of submission of projects not requiring prior approval by State or Federal agencies.
§ 401.40 - Informal conferences and emergencies.
§ 401.41 - Limitation of approval.
§ 401.42 - One Permit Program.
§ 401.43 - Regulatory program fees.
§ 401.44 - Objections.
§ 401.45 - Limitation of approval.
§ 401.46 - Certificate of compliance.
Subpart D - XXX
§ 401.51 - Scope.
§ 401.52 - Actions requiring an environmental report.
§ 401.53 - Applicant's environmental report.
§ 401.54 - Environmental assessment.
§ 401.55 - Negative declaration.
§ 401.56 - Actions requiring an environmental impact statement.
§ 401.57 - Lead agency.
§ 401.58 - Early notice.
§ 401.59 - Pre-draft consultation with appropriate agencies.
§ 401.60 - Draft environmental impact statement.
§ 401.61 - Processing the draft environmental impact statement.
§ 401.62 - Final environmental impact statement.
§ 401.63 - Public availability of statements.
§ 401.64 - Earliest date for Commission action.
§ 401.65 - Emergency circumstances.
§ 401.66 - Adequacy of draft and final environmental impact statements.
§ 401.67 - Procedure for commenting upon environmental impact statements.
Subpart E - Appeals or Objections to Decisions of the Executive Director in Water Qualtity Cases
§ 401.71 - Scope.
§ 401.72 - Notice and request for hearing.
§ 401.73 - Form of request.
§ 401.74 - Form and contents of report.
§ 401.75 - Protection of trade secrets; Confidential information.
§ 401.76 - Failure to furnish report.
§ 401.77 - Informal conference.
§ 401.78 - Consolidation of hearings.
§ 401.79 - Consolidation of hearings.
Subpart F - Administrative and Other Hearings
§ 401.81 - Hearings generally.
§ 401.82 - Authorization to conduct hearings.
§ 401.83 - Hearing Officer.
§ 401.84 - Hearing procedure.
§ 401.85 - Staff and other expert testimony.
§ 401.86 - Record of proceedings.
§ 401.87 - Assessment of costs; Appeals.
§ 401.88 - Findings, report and Commission review.
§ 401.89 - Action by the Commission.
§ 401.90 - Appeals from final Commission action; Time for appeals.
Subpart G - Penalties and Settlements in Lieu of Penalties
§ 401.91 - Scope of subpart.
§ 401.92 - Notice to possible violators.
§ 401.93 - The record for decision-making.
§ 401.94 - Adjudicatory hearings.
§ 401.95 - Assessment of a penalty.
§ 401.96 - Factors to be applied in fixing penalty amount.
§ 401.97 - Enforcement of penalties.
§ 401.98 - Settlement by agreement in lieu of penalty.
§ 401.99 - Suspension or modification of penalty.
Subpart H - Public Access to Records and Information
§ 401.101 - Policy on disclosure of Commission records.
§ 401.102 - Partial disclosure of records.
§ 401.103 - Request for existing records.
§ 401.104 - Preparation of new records.
§ 401.105 - Indexes of certain records.
§ 401.106 - FOIA Officer.
§ 401.107 - Permanent file of requests for Commission records.
§ 401.108 - Filing a request for records.
§ 401.109 - Time limitations.
§ 401.110 - Fees.
§ 401.111 - Waiver of fees.
§ 401.112 - Exempt information.
§ 401.113 - Segregable materials.
§ 401.114 - Data and information previously disclosed to the public.
§ 401.115 - Discretionary disclosure by the Executive Director.
§ 401.116 - Disclosure to consultants, advisory committees, State and local government officials, and other special government employees.
§ 401.117 - Disclosure to other Federal government departments and agencies.
§ 401.118 - Disclosure in administrative or court proceedings.
§ 401.119 - Disclosure to Congress.
Subpart I - General Provisions
§ 401.121 - Definitions.
§ 401.122 - Supplementary details.
§ 401.123 - Waiver of rules.
§ 401.124 - Construction.