Part 1301 - Procedures  

Subpart A - Freedom of Information Act
§ 1301.1 - General provisions.
§ 1301.2 - Proactive disclosures.
§ 1301.3 - Requirements for making requests.
§ 1301.4 - Responsibility for responding to requests.
§ 1301.5 - Timing of responses to requests.
§ 1301.6 - Responses to requests.
§ 1301.7 - Exempt records.
§ 1301.8 - Confidential commercial information.
§ 1301.9 - Appeals.
§ 1301.10 - Preservation of records.
§ 1301.11 - Fees.
§ 1301.12 - Other rights and services.
Subpart B - Privacy Act
§ 1301.13 - Procedures for requests pertaining to individual records in a record system.
§ 1301.14 - Times, places, and requirements for identification of individuals making requests.
§ 1301.15 - Disclosure of requested information to individuals.
§ 1301.16 - Special procedures - medical records.
§ 1301.17 - Requests for correction or amendment of record.
§ 1301.18 - TVA review of request for correction or amendment of record.
§ 1301.19 - Appeals on initial adverse agency determination on correction or amendment.
§ 1301.20 - Disclosure of record to persons other than individual to whom it pertains.
§ 1301.21 - Purpose and scope.
§ 1301.22 - Definitions.
§ 1301.23 - Procedures for requests pertaining to individual records in a record system.
§ 1301.24 - Times, places, and requirements for identification of individuals making requests.
§ 1301.25 - Disclosure of requested information to individuals.
§ 1301.26 - Special procedures - medical records.
§ 1301.27 - Requests for correction or amendment of record.
§ 1301.28 - TVA review of request for correction or amendment of record.
§ 1301.29 - Appeals on initial adverse agency determination on correction or amendment.
§ 1301.30 - Disclosure of record to persons other than individual to whom it pertains.
§ 1301.31 - Fees.
§ 1301.32 - Penalties.
§ 1301.33 - General exemptions.
§ 1301.34 - Specific exemptions.
Subpart C - Government in the Sunshine Act
§ 1301.41 - Purpose and scope.
§ 1301.42 - Definitions.
§ 1301.43 - Open meetings.
§ 1301.44 - Notice of meetings.
§ 1301.45 - Procedure for closing meetings.
§ 1301.46 - Criteria for closing meetings.
§ 1301.47 - Transcripts of closed meetings.
§ 1301.48 - Public availability of transcripts and other documents.
Subpart D - Testimony by TVA Employees, Production of Official Records, and Disclosure of Official Information in Legal Proceedings
§ 1301.51 - Purpose and scope.
§ 1301.52 - Definitions.
§ 1301.53 - General.
§ 1301.54 - Requirements for a demand for records or testimony.
§ 1301.55 - Responding to demands.
§ 1301.56 - Final determination.
§ 1301.57 - Waiver.
Subpart E - Protection of National Security Classified Information
§ 1301.61 - Purpose and scope.
§ 1301.62 - Definitions.
§ 1301.63 - Senior agency official.
§ 1301.64 - Original classification authority.
§ 1301.65 - Derivative classification.
§ 1301.66 - General declassification and downgrading policy.
§ 1301.67 - Mandatory review for declassification.
§ 1301.68 - Identification and marking.
§ 1301.69 - Safeguarding classified information.
Subpart F - General
§ 1301.70 - Purpose and scope.
§ 1301.71 - Guidance document definition.
§ 1301.72 - Review and clearance by TVA's Office of the General Counsel.
§ 1301.73 - Public access to effective guidance documents.
§ 1301.74 - Good faith cost estimates.
§ 1301.75 - Designation procedures.
§ 1301.76 - Notice-and-comment procedures.
§ 1301.77 - Petitions.
§ 1301.78 - Rescinded guidance.
§ 1301.79 - Emergency situations, exigent circumstances, and legal requirement.
§ 1301.80 - No judicial review or enforceable rights.