Part 154 - Rate Schedules and Tariffs  

Subpart A - General Provisions and Conditions
§ 154.1 - Application; Obligation to file.
§ 154.2 - Definitions.
§ 154.3 - Effective tariff.
§ 154.4 - Electronic filing of tariffs and related materials.
§ 154.5 - Rejection of filings.
§ 154.6 - Acceptance for filing not approval.
§ 154.7 - General requirements for the submission of a tariff filing or executed service agreement.
§ 154.8 - Informal submission for staff suggestions.
Subpart B - Form and Composition of Tariff
§ 154.101 - [Reserved]
§ 154.102 - Requirements for filing rate schedules and tariffs.
§ 154.103 - Composition of tariff.
§ 154.104 - Table of contents.
§ 154.105 - Preliminary statement.
§ 154.106 - Map.
§ 154.107 - Currently effective rates.
§ 154.108 - Composition of rate schedules.
§ 154.109 - General terms and conditions.
§ 154.110 - Form of service agreement.
§ 154.111 - Index of customers.
§ 154.112 - Exception to form and composition of tariff.
Subpart C - Procedures for Changing Tariffs
§ 154.201 - Filing requirements.
§ 154.202 - Filings to initiate a new rate schedule.
§ 154.203 - Compliance filings.
§ 154.204 - Changes in rate schedules, forms of service agreements, or the general terms and conditions.
§ 154.205 - Withdrawals and amendments of tariff filings and executed service agreements.
§ 154.206 - Motion to place suspended rates into effect.
§ 154.207 - Notice requirements.
§ 154.208 - Service of tariff filings on customers and other parties.
§ 154.209 - [Reserved]
§ 154.210 - Protests, interventions, and comments.
Subpart D - Material To Be Filed With Changes
§ 154.301 - Changes in rates.
§ 154.302 - Previously submitted material.
§ 154.303 - Test periods.
§ 154.304 - Format of statements, schedules, workpapers and supporting data.
§ 154.305 - Tax normalization.
§ 154.306 - Cash working capital.
§ 154.307 - Joint facilities.
§ 154.308 - Representation of chief accounting officer.
§ 154.309 - Incremental expansions.
§ 154.310 - Zones.
§ 154.311 - Updating of statements.
§ 154.312 - Composition of Statements.
§ 154.313 - Schedules for minor rate changes.
§ 154.314 - Other support for a filing.
§ 154.315 - Asset retirement obligations.
Subpart E - Limited Rate Changes
§ 154.400 - Additional requirements.
§ 154.401 - RD&D expenditures.
§ 154.402 - ACA expenditures.
§ 154.403 - Periodic rate adjustments.
§ 154.404 - xxx
Subpart F - Refunds and Reports
§ 154.501 - Refunds.
§ 154.502 - Reports.
Subpart G - Other Tariff Changes
§ 154.600 - Compliance with other subparts.
§ 154.601 - Change in executed service agreement.
§ 154.602 - Cancellation or termination of a tariff, executed service agreement or part thereof.
§ 154.603 - Adoption of the tariff by a successor.