Part 123 - CBP Relations With Canada and Mexico  

§ 123.0 - Scope.
Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 123.1 - Report of arrival from Canada or Mexico and permission to proceed.
§ 123.2 - Penalty for failure to report arrival or for proceeding without a permit.
§ 123.3 - Inward foreign manifest required.
§ 123.4 - Inward foreign manifest forms to be used.
§ 123.5 - Certification and filing of inward foreign manifest.
§ 123.6 - Train sheet for arriving railroad trains.
§ 123.7 - Manifest used as an entry for unconditionally free merchandise value not over $250.
§ 123.8 - Permit or special license to unlade or lade a vessel or vehicle.
§ 123.9 - Explanation of a discrepancy in a manifest.
§ 123.10 - General order merchandise.
Subpart B - International Traffic
§ 123.11 - Supplies on international trains.
§ 123.12 - Entry of foreign locomotives and equipment in international traffic.
§ 123.13 - Foreign repairs to domestic locomotives and other domestic railroad equipment.
§ 123.14 - Entry of foreign-based trucks, busses, and taxicabs in international traffic.
§ 123.15 - Vehicles of foreign origin used between communities of the United States and Canada or Mexico.
§ 123.16 - Entry of returning trucks, busses, or taxicabs in international traffic.
§ 123.17 - Foreign repairs to domestic trucks, busses, taxicabs and their equipment.
§ 123.18 - Equipment and materials for constructing bridges or tunnels between the United States and Canada or Mexico.
Subpart C - Shipments in Transit Through Canada or Mexico
§ 123.21 - Merchandise in transit.
§ 123.22 - In-transit manifest.
§ 123.23 - Train sheet for in-transit rail shipments.
§ 123.24 - Sealing of conveyances or compartments.
§ 123.25 - Certification and disposition of manifests.
§ 123.26 - Transshipment of merchandise moving through Canada or Mexico.
§ 123.27 - Feeding and watering animals in Canada.
§ 123.28 - Merchandise remaining in or exported to Canada or Mexico.
§ 123.29 - Procedure on arrival at port of reentry.
Subpart D - Shipments in Transit Through the United States
§ 123.31 - Merchandise in transit.
§ 123.32 - In-bond application.
§ 123.33 - [Reserved]
§ 123.34 - Certain vehicle and vessel shipments.
§§ 123.33--123.34 - [Reserved]
Subpart E - United States and Canada In-Transit Truck Procedures
§ 123.41 - Truck shipments transiting Canada.
§ 123.42 - Truck shipments transiting the United States.
Subpart F - Commercial Traveler's Samples in Transit Through the United States or Canada
§ 123.51 - Commercial samples transported by automobile through Canada between ports in the United States.
§ 123.52 - Commercial samples transported by automobile through the United States between ports in Canada.
Subpart G - Baggage
§ 123.61 - Baggage arriving in baggage car.
§ 123.62 - Baggage in possession of traveler.
§ 123.63 - Examination of baggage from Canada or Mexico.
§ 123.64 - Baggage in transit through the United States between ports in Canada or in Mexico.
§ 123.65 - Domestic baggage transiting Canada or Mexico between ports in the United States.
Subpart H - XXX
§ 123.71 - Description of program.
§ 123.72 - Written agreement requirement.
§ 123.73 - Application to participate.
§ 123.74 - Notice of selection; appeal of determination.
§ 123.75 - Notice of revocation; appeal of decision.
§ 123.76 - Authorization by Customs for participants to use certain drivers.
Subpart I - Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 123.81 - Merchandise found in building on the boundary.
§ 123.82 - Treatment of stolen vehicles returned from Mexico.
Subpart J - Advance Information for Cargo Arriving by Rail or Truck
§ 123.91 - Electronic information for rail cargo required in advance of arrival.
§ 123.92 - Electronic information for truck cargo required in advance of arrival.