§ 199.17 - Retention of samples and retesting.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Samples that yield positive results on confirmation must be retained by the laboratory in properly secured, long-term, frozen storage for at least 365 days as required by the DOT Procedures. Within this 365-day period, the employee or his representative, the operator, the Administrator, or, if the operator is subject to the jurisdiction of a state agency, the state agency may request that the laboratory retain the sample for an additional period. If, within the 365-day period, the laboratory has not received a proper written request to retain the sample for a further reasonable period specified in the request, the sample may be discarded following the end of the 365-period.

    (b) If the medical review officer (MRO) determines there is no legitimate medical explanation for a confirmed positive test result other than the unauthorized use of a prohibited drug, the original sample must be retested if the employee makes a written request for retesting within 60 days of receipt of the final test result from the MRO. The employee may specify retesting by the original laboratory or by a second laboratory that is certified by the Department of Health and Human Services. The operator may require the employee to pay in advance the cost of shipment (if any) and reanalysis of the sample, but the employee must be reimbursed for such expense if the retest is negative.

    (c) If the employee specifies retesting by a second laboratory, the original laboratory must follow approved chain-of-custody procedures in transferring a portion of the sample.

    (d) Since some analytes may deteriorate during storage, detected levels of the drug below the detection limits established in the DOT Procedures, but equal to or greater than the established sensitivity of the assay, must, as technically appropriate, be reported and considered corroborative of the original positive results.