Part 3187 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards  

§ 3187.1 - Adoption of 2 CFR Part 200.
Subpart A - Scope, Definitions, and Eligibility
§ 3187.2 - Applicable regulations and scope of this part.
§ 3187.3 - Definition of a museum.
§ 3187.4 - Other definitions.
§ 3187.5 - Museum eligibility and burden of proof - Who may apply.
§ 3187.6 - Related institutions.
§ 3187.7 - Basic materials which an applicant must submit to be considered for funding.
Subpart B - General Application, Selection and Award Procedures
Selection and Award Procedures
§ 3187.9 - Rejection of an application.
§ 3187.10 - Rejection for technical deficiency - appeal.
§ 3187.8 - Deadline date and method for submitting applications.
Subpart C - General Conditions Which Must Be Met
Compliance With Legal Requirements
§ 3187.11 - Compliance with statutes, regulations, approved application and Federal award.
§ 3187.12 - Federal statutes and regulations on nondiscrimination.
§ 3187.13 - Federal evaluation - Cooperation by a non-Federal entity.
Allowable Costs
§ 3187.14 - Subawards.
§ 3187.15 - Allowable costs.