§ 2.88 - What criteria will the Department consider in responding to my Touhy Request?  

Latest version.
  • In deciding whether to grant your Touhy Request, the appropriate Department official will consider:

    (a) Your ability to obtain the testimony or records from another source;

    (b) The appropriateness of the employee testimony and record production under the relevant regulations of procedure and substantive law, including the FOIA or the Privacy Act; and

    (c) Our ability to:

    (1) Conduct our official business unimpeded;

    (2) Maintain impartiality in conducting our business;

    (3) Minimize the possibility that we will become involved in issues that are not related to our mission or programs;

    (4) Avoid spending public employee's time for private purposes;

    (5) Avoid the negative cumulative effect of granting similar requests;

    (6) Ensure that privileged or protected matters remain confidential; and

    (7) Avoid undue burden on us.