Part 658 - Administrative Provisions Governing the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service  

Subparts A-D - XXX
Subpart E - Employment Service and Employment-Related Law Complaint System (Complaint System)
§ 658.400 - Purpose and scope of subpart.
§ 658.401 - Types of complaints handled by the JS complaint system.
Federal JS Complaint System
§ 658.423 - Handling of other complaints by the Regional Administrator.
When a Complaint Rises to the Federal Level
§ 658.420 - Responsibilities of the Employment and Training Administration regional office.
§ 658.421 - Processing of Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service regulation-related complaints.
§ 658.422 - Processing of employment-related law complaints by the Regional Administrator.
§ 658.424 - Proceedings before the Office of Administrative Law Judges.
§ 658.425 - Decision of Department of Labor Administrative Law Judge.
§ 658.426 - Complaints against the United States Employment Service.
§ 658.427 - Severability.
State Agency JS Complaint System
§ 658.412 - Complaint resolution.
§ 658.413 - Initial handling of complaints by the State or local office.
§ 658.414 - Referral of non-JS-related complaints.
§ 658.415 - Transferring complaints to proper JS office.
§ 658.416 - Action on JS-related complaints.
Complaints Filed at the Local and State Level
§ 658.410 - Establishment of local and State complaint systems.
§ 658.411 - Action on complaints.
§ 658.417 - State hearings.
§ 658.418 - Decision of the State hearing official.
§ 658.419 - Apparent violations.
Subpart F - Discontinuation of Services to Employers by the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service
§ 658.500 - Scope and purpose of subpart.
§ 658.501 - Basis for discontinuation of services.
§ 658.502 - Notification to employers of intent to discontinue services.
§ 658.503 - Discontinuation of services.
§ 658.504 - Reinstatement of services.
Subpart G - Review and Assessment of State Workforce Agency Compliance With Employment Service Regulations
§ 658.600 - Scope and purpose of subpart.
§ 658.601 - State Workforce Agency responsibility.
§ 658.602 - Employment and Training Administration National Office responsibility.
§ 658.603 - Employment and Training Administration Regional Office responsibility.
§ 658.604 - Assessment and evaluation of program performance data.
§ 658.605 - Communication of findings to State agencies.
Subpart H - Federal Application of Remedial Action to State Workforce Agencies
§ 658.700 - Scope and purpose of subpart.
§ 658.701 - Statements of policy.
§ 658.702 - Initial action by the Regional Administrator.
§ 658.703 - Emergency corrective action.
§ 658.704 - Remedial actions.
§ 658.705 - Decision to decertify.
§ 658.706 - Notice of decertification.
§ 658.707 - Requests for hearings.
§ 658.708 - Hearings.
§ 658.709 - Conduct of hearings.
§ 658.710 - Decision of the Administrative Law Judge.
§ 658.711 - Decision of the Administrative Review Board.