Part 726 - Black Lung Benefits; Requirements for Coal Mine Operator'S Insurance  

Subpart A - General
§ 726.1 - Statutory insurance requirements for coal mine operators.
§ 726.2 - Purpose and scope of this part.
§ 726.3 - Relationship of this part to other parts in this subchapter.
§ 726.4 - Who must obtain insurance coverage.
§ 726.5 - Effective date of insurance coverage.
§ 726.6 - The Office of Workers' Compensation Programs.
§ 726.7 - Forms, submission of information.
§ 726.8 - Definitions.
Subpart B - Authorization of Self-Insurers
§ 726.101 - Who may be authorized to self-insure.
§ 726.102 - Application for authority to become a self-insurer; how filed; information to be submitted.
§ 726.103 - Application for authority to self-insure; effect of regulations contained in this part.
§ 726.104 - Action by the Office upon application of operator.
§ 726.105 - Fixing the amount of security.
§ 726.106 - Type of security.
§ 726.107 - Deposits of negotiable securities with Federal Reserve banks or the Treasurer of the United States; authority to sell such securities; interest thereon.
§ 726.108 - Withdrawal of negotiable securities.
§ 726.109 - Increase or reduction in the amount of security.
§ 726.110 - Filing of agreement and undertaking.
§ 726.111 - Notice of authorization to self-insure.
§ 726.112 - Reports required of self-insurer; examination of accounts of self-insurer.
§ 726.113 - Disclosure of confidential information.
§ 726.114 - Period of authorization as self-insurer; reauthorization.
§ 726.115 - Revocation of authorization to self-insure.
Subpart C - Insurance Contracts
§ 726.201 - Insurance contracts - generally.
§ 726.202 - Who may underwrite an operator's liability.
§ 726.203 - Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act endorsement.
§ 726.204 - Statutory policy provisions.
§ 726.205 - Other forms of endorsement and policies.
§ 726.206 - Terms of policies.
§ 726.207 - Discharge by the carrier of obligations and duties of operator.
Reports by Carrier
§ 726.208 - Report by carrier of issuance of policy or endorsement.
§ 726.209 - Report; by whom sent.
§ 726.210 - Agreement to be bound by report.
§ 726.211 - Name of one employer only shall be given in each report.
§ 726.212 - Notice of cancellation.
§ 726.213 - Reports by carriers concerning the payment of benefits.
Subpart D - Civil Money Penalties
§ 726.300 - Purpose and scope.
§ 726.301 - Definitions.
§ 726.302 - Determination of penalty.
§ 726.303 - Notification; investigation.
§ 726.304 - Notice of initial assessment.
§ 726.305 - Contents of notice.
§ 726.306 - Finality of administrative assessment.
§ 726.307 - Form of notice of contest and request for hearing.
§ 726.308 - Service and computation of time.
§ 726.309 - Referral to the Office of Administrative Law Judges.
§ 726.310 - Appointment of Administrative Law Judge and notification of hearing date.
§ 726.311 - Evidence.
§ 726.312 - Burdens of proof.
§ 726.313 - Decision and order of Administrative Law Judge.
§ 726.314 - Review by the Administrative Review Board.
§ 726.315 - Contents.
§ 726.316 - Filing and service.
§ 726.317 - Discretionary review.
§ 726.318 - Decision of the Administrative Review Board.
§ 726.319 - Retention of official record.
§ 726.320 - Collection and recovery of penalty.