Part 14 - Public Hearing Before a Public Advisory Committee  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 14.1 - Scope.
§ 14.5 - Purpose of proceedings before an advisory committee.
§ 14.7 - Administrative remedies.
§ 14.10 - Applicability to Congress.
§ 14.15 - Committees working under a contract with FDA.
Subpart B - Meeting Procedures
§ 14.20 - Notice of hearing before an advisory committee.
§ 14.22 - Meetings of an advisory committee.
§ 14.25 - Portions of advisory committee meetings.
§ 14.27 - Determination to close portions of advisory committee meetings.
§ 14.29 - Conduct of a hearing before an advisory committee.
§ 14.30 - Chairperson of an advisory committee.
§ 14.31 - Consultation by an advisory committee with other persons.
§ 14.33 - Compilation of materials for members of an advisory committee.
§ 14.35 - Written submissions to an advisory committee.
§ 14.39 - Additional rules for a particular advisory committee.
Subpart C - Establishment of Advisory Committees
§ 14.40 - Establishment and renewal of advisory committees.
§ 14.55 - Termination of advisory committees.
Subpart D - Records of Meetings and Hearings Before Advisory Committees
§ 14.60 - Minutes and reports of advisory committee meetings.
§ 14.61 - Transcripts of advisory committee meetings.
§ 14.65 - Public inquiries and requests for advisory committee records.
§ 14.70 - Administrative record of a public hearing before an advisory committee.
§ 14.75 - Examination of administrative record and other advisory committee records.
Subpart E - Members of Advisory Committees
§ 14.80 - Qualifications for members of standing policy and technical advisory committees.
§ 14.82 - Nominations of voting members of standing advisory committees.
§ 14.84 - Nominations and selection of nonvoting members of standing technical advisory committees.
§ 14.86 - Rights and responsibilities of nonvoting members of advisory committees.
§ 14.90 - Ad hoc advisory committee members.
§ 14.95 - Compensation of advisory committee members.
Subpart F - Standing Advisory Committees
§ 14.100 - List of standing advisory committees.
Subpart G - Technical Electronic Products Radiation Safety Standards Committee
§ 14.120 - Establishment of the Technical Electronic Product Radiation Safety Standards Committee (TEPRSSC).
§ 14.122 - Functions of TEPRSSC.
§ 14.125 - Procedures of TEPRSSC.
§ 14.127 - Membership of TEPRSSC.
§ 14.130 - Conduct of TEPRSSC meeting; availability of TEPRSSC records.
Subpart H - Color Additive Advisory Committees
§ 14.140 - Establishment of a color additive advisory committee.
§ 14.142 - Functions of a color additive advisory committee.
§ 14.145 - Procedures of a color additive advisory committee.
§ 14.147 - Membership of a color additive advisory committee.
§ 14.155 - Fees and compensation pertaining to a color additive advisory committee.
Subpart I - Advisory Committees for Human Prescription Drugs
§ 14.160 - Establishment of standing technical advisory committees for human prescription drugs.
§ 14.171 - Utilization of an advisory committee on the initiative of FDA.
§ 14.172 - Utilization of an advisory committee at the request of an interested person.
§ 14.174 - Advice and recommendations in writing.