Part 41 - Visas: Documentation of Nonimmigrants Under the Immigration and Nationality Act, as Amended  

Subpart A - Passport and Visas Not Required for Certain Nonimmigrants
§ 41.0 - Definitions.
§ 41.1 - Exemption by law or treaty from passport and visa requirements.
§ 41.2 - Exemption or waiver by Secretary of State and Secretary of Homeland Security of passport and/or visa requirements for certain categories of nonimmigrants.
§ 41.3 - Waiver by joint action of consular and immigration officers of passport and/or visa requirements.
Subpart B - Classification of Nonimmigrants
§ 41.11 - Entitlement to nonimmigrant status.
§ 41.12 - Classification symbols.
Subpart C - Foreign Government Officials
§ 41.21 - Foreign Officials - General.
§ 41.22 - Officials of foreign governments.
§ 41.23 - Accredited officials in transit.
§ 41.24 - International organization aliens.
§ 41.25 - NATO representatives, officials, and employees.
§ 41.26 - Diplomatic visas.
§ 41.27 - Official visas.
Subpart D - Temporary Visitors
§ 41.31 - Temporary visitors for business or pleasure.
§ 41.32 - Nonresident alien Mexican border crossing identification cards; combined border crossing identification cards and B-1/B-2 visitor visas.
§ 41.33 - Nonresident alien Canadian border crossing identification card (BCC).
Subpart E - Crewman and Crew-List Visas
§ 41.41 - Crewmen.
§ 41.42 - [Reserved]
Subpart F - Business and Media Visas
§ 41.51 - Treaty trader, treaty investor, or treaty alien in a specialty occupation.
§ 41.52 - Information media representative.
§ 41.53 - Temporary workers and trainees.
§ 41.54 - Intracompany transferees (executives, managers, and specialized knowledge employees).
§ 41.55 - Aliens with extraordinary ability.
§ 41.56 - Athletes, artists and entertainers.
§ 41.57 - International cultural exchange visitors.
§ 41.58 - Aliens in religious occupations.
§ 41.59 - Professionals under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
Subpart G - Students and Exchange Visitors
§ 41.61 - Students - academic and nonacademic.
§ 41.62 - Exchange visitors.
§ 41.63 - Two-year home-country physical presence requirement.
Subpart H - Transit Aliens
§ 41.71 - Transit aliens.
Subpart I - Fiance(e)s and Other Nonimmigrants
§ 41.81 - Fiancé(e) or spouse of a U.S. citizen and derivative children.
§ 41.82 - Certain parents and children of section 101(a)(27)(I) special immigrants.
§ 41.83 - Certain witnesses and informants.
§ 41.84 - Victims of trafficking in persons.
§ 41.86 - Certain spouses and children of lawful permanent resident aliens.
Subpart J - Application for Nonimmigrant Visa
§ 41.101 - Place of application.
§ 41.102 - Personal appearance of applicant.
§ 41.103 - Filing an application.
§ 41.104 - Passport requirements.
§ 41.105 - Supporting documents and fingerprinting.
§ 41.106 - Processing.
§ 41.107 - Visa fees.
§ 41.108 - Medical examination.
Subpart K - Issuance of Nonimmigrant Visa
§ 41.111 - Authority to issue visa.
§ 41.112 - Validity of visa.
§ 41.113 - Procedures in issuing visas.
§ 41.114 - Transfer of visas.
Subpart L - Refusals and Revocations
§ 41.121 - Refusal of nonimmigrant visas.
§ 41.122 - Revocation of visas.
§ 41.123 - Discontinuance of granting nonimmigrant visa pursuant to INA 243(d).