Part 171 - Public Access to Information  

Subpart A - General Policy and Procedures
§ 171.1 - General provisions.
§ 171.2 - Types of records maintained.
§ 171.3 - Records available on the Department's website.
§ 171.4 - Requests for information—types and how made.
§ 171.5 - Archival records.
§ 171.6 - Archival records.
Subpart B - Freedom of Information Act Provisions
§ 171.10 - Purpose and scope.
§ 171.11 - Processing requests.
§ 171.12 - Timing of responses to requests.
§ 171.13 - Responses to requests.
§ 171.14 - Confidential commercial information.
§ 171.15 - Administrative appeals.
§ 171.16 - Fees to be charged.
§ 171.17 - Preservation of records.
§ 171.18 - Preservation of records
Subpart C - Privacy Act Provisions
§ 171.20 - Purpose and scope.
§ 171.21 - Definitions.
§ 171.22 - Request for access to records.
§ 171.23 - Request to amend or correct records.
§ 171.24 - Request for an accounting of record disclosures.
§ 171.25 - Appeals from denials of PA amendment requests.
§ 171.26 - Exemptions.
Subpart D - Access to Financial Disclosure Reports
§ 171.30 - Purpose and scope.
§ 171.31 - Requests for Public Financial Disclosure Reports—OGE Form 278.
§ 171.32 - Denial of Public Access to Confidential Financial Disclosure Reports—OGE Form 450.
§ 171.33 - Request to amend or correct records.
§ 171.34 - Request for an accounting of record disclosures.
§ 171.35 - Denials of requests; appeals.
§ 171.36 - Exemptions.
Subpart E - Ethics in Government Act Provisions
§ 171.40 - Purpose and scope.
§ 171.41 - Covered employees.
§ 171.42 - Requests and identifying information.
§ 171.43 - Time limits and fees.
§ 171.44 - Improper use of reports.
Subpart F - Appeal Procedures
§ 171.50 - Appeal of denials of expedited processing.
§ 171.51 - Appeals of denials of fee waivers or reductions.
§ 171.52 - Appeal of denial of access to, declassification of, amendment of, accounting of disclosures of, or challenge to classification of records.
Subpart G - Appeals Procedures
§ 171.60 - Appeal of denial of access to rec-ords.
§ 171.61 - Appeal of refusal to amend rec-ords.
Subpart H - Other Agency Material
§ 171.70 - Referral.
§ 171.71 - Concurrence.